This product is no longer offered by this manufacturer.
Alfa Laval SRC/SMO/ARC Series Valves
SRC, SMO, and ARC Series valves from Alfa Laval were a legacy valve series featuring sanitary stainless design. While no longer manufactured by Alfa Laval, these valves have a strong installed base across the globe. Central States Industrial (CSI) supports the repair and maintenance of this series of valves with the genuine OEM spare parts and service kits that are still available.
The SRC, or Sanitary Remote-Controlled valve, included shutoff valves with two or three ports, and divert valves with three to five ports. The ARC, or Aseptic Remote-Controlled Valve, was based on the SRC design, but featured a sterile stem seal by means of a PTFE/rubber diaphragm unit. The ARC was designed for aseptic operating conditions. SRC and ARC valves were air-actuated and could be used with controls or indicators such as Alfa Laval's ThinkTops or Linear Control Units.
SMO valves were manually-operated versions of the SRC valve. The SMO valves included shutoff and divert models with a crank mechanism for operation. The SMO-R valve was a regulating (throttling) valve with a tapered stem and fine adjustment knob. The AMO and AMO-R versions of these valves had the same basic design, with the added diaphragm stem seal for aseptic applications.

While these complete valves are no longer manufactured, parts lists and other documentation appear below.
Product Resources
See all resources by Alfa LavalLiterature
- SRC Valve Data Sheet
- SMO and SMO-R Valve Data Sheet
- ARC Valve Data Sheet
- ARC-SB Valve Data Sheet
- SRC Shutoff Valve Parts List
- SRC Divert Valve Parts List
- SRC-A Valve Parts List
- SRC-FDV Valve Parts List
- SRC-LS Valve Parts List
- SRC-TA Valve Parts List
- SRC-Tl and SRC-TR Valve Parts List
- SRC Actuator Type 80 90 Parts List
- ARC Shutoff Valve Parts List
- ARC Divert Valve Parts List
- ARC-SB Divert Valve Parts List
- ARC-SB Shutoff Valve Parts List
- SMO Shutoff Valve Parts List
- SMO Divert Valve Parts List
- SMO-A Valve Parts List
- SMO-R Valve Parts List
- SMO-RA Valve Parts List
- SMO-RF Valve Parts List
Spare Parts
- SRC Shut-Off Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Spare Parts
Alternative Stem Seal Spare Parts
Alternative Stem Seal Service Kits
Seal Type 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920447 9611920451 9611920455 9611920459 9611920463 9611920467 NBR 9611920448 9611920452 9611920456 9611920460 9611920464 9611920468 FPM 9611920449 9611920453 9611920457 9611920461 9611920465 9611920469 FEP 9611920450 9611920454 9611920458 9611920462 9611920466 9611920470 - SRC Divert Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM N/A 9611920025 9611920028 9611920031 9611920034 9611920037 NBR N/A 9611920026 96111920029 9611920032 9611920035 9611920038 FPM N/A 9611920027 9611920030 9611920033 9611920036 9611920039 Actuator 9611920008 9611920008 9611920008 9611920008 9611920009 9611920009 Spare Parts
Alternative for Stem Seal Service Kits
Seal Type
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920471 9611920471 9611920475 9611920479 9611920483 9611920491 NBR 9611920472 9611920472 9611920476 9611920480 9611920484 9611920492 FPM 9611920473 9611920473 9611920477 9611920481 9611920485 9611920493 FEP 9611920474 9611920474 9611920478 9611920482 9611920486 9611920494 Alternative for Stem Seal Spare Parts
- SRC-A Spare Parts
Stop Valve Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Actuator -1, Complete 3135302064 3135302064 3135302064 3135302144 3135302144 - Actuator -2, Complete 3135302066 3135302066 3135302066 3135302146 3135302146 - Actuator -3, Complete 3135302067 3135302067 3135302067 3135302147 3135302147 - Cap 3180105256 3180105256 3180105256 3180105255 3180105255 1 O-Ring 22340625 22340625 22340625 22340649 22340649 2 Cylinder 3135301391 3135301391 3135301391 3135301851 3135301851 3 Lock Wire 3135301511 3135301511 3135301511 3135301891 3135301891 4 O-Ring 22340174 22340174 22340174 22340175 22340175 6 Piston 3135306211 3135306211 3135306211 3135306191 3135306191 7 O-Ring 22340667 22340667 22340667 22340617 22340617 9 Bonnet 3135301332 3135301332 3135301332 3135301902 3135301902 10 Clip, Complete 3135307931 3135307931 3135307931 3135307932 3135307932 11 Clip 3135301301 3135301301 3135301301 3135301301 3135301301 11 Plug 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 12 Spring Assembly 3135306251 3135306251 3135306251 3135306221 3135306221 13a Spring Assembly w/ Extra Strong Spring 3135306252 3135306252 3135306252 3135306222 3135306222 13b Drain Tube 3180114441 3180114441 3180114441 3180114441 3180114441 209b Plug 52635101 52635101 52635101 52635101 5265101 210 Clamps and Screws 3132000271 3132000271 3132000271 3132000272 3132000272 15a+b Clamp Half 3132000221 3132000221 3132000221 3132000211 3132000211 15a Screw 221093618 221093618 221093618 221093618 221093618 15b Valve Body, 2 Body Ends 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 3135300261 18a Valve Body, 3 Body Ends 3135303756 3135303766 3135303806 3135303816 3135300266 18b Valve Plug Complete, EPDM 3135305001 3135305002 3135305003 3135305004 3135305005 - Stem 3135304731 3135304732 3135304741 3135304761 3135304762 208a Packing, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 3135303251 19e Washer 3135303571 3135303581 3135303591 3135303601 3135303611 19f O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 19g Screw 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 19h Pressure Support 3135304571 3135304571 3135304571 3135304581 3135304581 201 Vacuum Support 3135304961 3135304961 3135304961 3135305441 3135305441 202 O-Ring, EPDM 99001401 99001401 99001401 3135305421 3135305421 203 Diaphragm, EPDM 313534071 3135304071 3135304071 3135304141 3135304141 204 Packing, PTFE
3135304971 3135304971 3135304971 3135305061 3135305061 205 Nut 3135305381 3135305381 3135305381 3135305411 3135305411 206a Washer 3135304041 3135304041 3135304041 3135304111 3135304111 207 Change Over Valve Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Actuator -1, Complete 3135302064 3135302064 3135302064 3135302144 3135302144 - Actuator -2, Complete 3135302066 3135302066 3135302066 3135302146 3135302146 - Actuator -3, Complete 3135302067 3135302067 3135302067 3135302147 3135302147 - Cap 3180105256 3180105256 3180105256 3180105255 3180105255 1 O-Ring 22340625 22340625 22340625 22340649 22340649 2 Cylinder 3135301391 3135301391 3135301391 3135301851 3135301851 3 Lock Wire 3135301511 3135301511 3135301511 3135301891 3135301891 4 O-Ring 22340174 22340174 22340174 22340175 22340175 6 Piston 3135306211 3135306211 3135306211 3135306191 3135306191 7 O-Ring 22340667 22340667 22340667 22340617 22340617 9 Bonnet 3135301332 3135301332 3135301332 3135301902 3135301902 10 Clip, Complete 3135307931 3135307931 3135307931 3135307932 3135307932 11 Clip 3135301301 3135301301 3135301301 3135301301 3135301301 11 Plug 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 12 Spring Assembly 3135306251 3135306251 3135306251 3135306221 3135306221 13a Spring Assembly w/ Extra Strong Spring 3135306252 3135306252 3135306252 3135306222 3135306222 13b Drain Tube 3180114441 3180114441 3180114441 3180114441 3180114441 209b Plug 52635101 52635101 52635101 52635101 52635101 210 Clamps and Screws 3132000271 3132000271 3132000271 3132000272 3132000272 15a+b Clamp Half 3132000221 3132000221 3132000221 3132000211 3132000211 15a Screw 221093618 221093618 221093618 221093618 221093618 4 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Body End 3135300531 3135300541 3135300551 3135300561 3135300581 16a Valve Body, Upper, 2 Body Ends 3135300536 3135300546 3135300556 3135300566 3135300586 16b Valve Body, Packing, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 17 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Body Ends 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 3135300261 18a Valve Body, Lower, 3 Body Ends 3135303756 3135303766 3135303806 3135303816 3135300266 18b Valve Plug Complete 3135305011 3135305012 3135305013 3135305014 3135305015 - Stem 3135304721 3135304722 3135304723 3135304771 3135304772 208b Packing, Upper, EPDM 3135303211 3135303211 3135303231 3135303241 3135303251 20c Middle Piece 3135303631 3135303641 3135303651 3135303661 3135303671 20d Packing, Lower, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 3135303251 20e Washer 3135303571 3135303581 3135303591 3135303601 3135303611 20f O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 20g Screw 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 20h Pressure Support 3135304571 3135304571 3135304571 3135304581 3135304581 201 Vacuum Support 3135304961 3135304961 3135304961 3135305441 3135305441 202 O-Ring, EPDM 99001401 99001401 99001401 3135305421 3135305421 203 Diaphragm, EPDM 3135304071 3135304071 3135304071 3135304141 3135304141 204 Packing, PTFE 3135304971 3135304971 3135304971 3135305061 3135305061 205 Nut 3135304051 3135304051 3135304051 3135304121 3135304121 206a Washer 3135304041 3135304041 3135304041 3135304111 3135304111 207 - SRC-FDV Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 EPDM 270072 270073 270074 FPM 88431499 88431500 88442561 Actuator 9611920009 9611920009 9611920009 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 Diagram Key SRC-FDV Valve 9612100002 9612105002
9612110002 - Indication Unit 88426203 88426203 88426203 1 Flow Diversion Valve Actuator 88439015 88436032 88439116 2 Clip Assembly 3135307932 3135307932 3135307932 3 Flow Diversion Valve, Divert, Upper Body 88439014 88439109 88439116
4 Flow Diversion Valve, Leak Detect, Upper Body 3135310322 3135310323 3135310334 5 Flow Diversion Valve, Divert, Lower Body 3135310302 3135310303 3135310304 6 Flow Diversion Valve, Leak Detect, Lower Body 3135310302 88239111
3135310304 7 Flow Diversion Valve, Leak Detect, Plug & Stem, Complete 9612105501 9612105502 9612105503 8 Divert Flow Diversion Valve Plug & Stem Elastomers, Upper 9611991479 9611991480 9611991480 8a Divert Flow Diversion Valve Plug & Stem Elastomers, Lower 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 8b Stem O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 8c Stem O-Ring, FPM 22340435 22340435 22340435 8c Flow Diversion Valve Diver, Plug & Stem, Complete 3135303361 3135303371 3135303381 9 Leak Detect Flow Diversion Valve Plug & Stem, Upper 3135303211 3135303231 3135303241 9a Leak Detect Flow Diversion Valve Plug & Stem, Upper 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 9b Stem O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 9c Stem O-Ring, FPM 22340435 22340435 22340435 9c Lip Seal 3135301551 3135301881 3135301881 10 Lip Seal 3135301551 3135301551 3135301881 11 Body Packing, Divert 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 12 Body Packing, Leak Detect 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 13 GC40E, Gasket 8121347 88121348 88124349 14 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011205 9612011205 15 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011204 9612011205 16 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011202 9612011203 9612011204 17 O-Ring for Actuator Stem 22340649 22340649 22340649 18 Microswitch Assembly Spare Parts
Part Part Number Diagram Key Microswitch Indicating Assembly 88426203 - Actuating Stem O-Ring 22340649 20 Adjustment Screw 88115036 22 Horizontal Adjustment Spring 88113471 24 Adjustment Bracket 88113473 25 Vertical Spring 88113470 26 Cover Assembly 88113464 27 Teflon Washer 88113479 28 Drilled Cap Nut 88113478 29 Sealing Grip 88116977 30 Cable Clip Screw 88115035 31 Switch Frame 881134690 32 Microswitch 88116978 33 Switch Frame Mounting Screw 88115019 34 Cover O-Ring 88114939 35 Cable Clip 88133627 36 Flat Washer 88115034 37 Spacer Block 88113472 38 Switch Screw 88115033 39 Quick Exhaust Valve 88116830 40 Hose Assembly 88123145 40 Activating Mechanism 3135310501 41 NPA2-SS Air Fitting 88116878 41 - SRC-LS Divert Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920028 9611920031 9611920034 9611920037 NBR 9611920029 9611920032 9611920035 9611920038 FPM 9611920030 9611920033 9611920036 9611920039 Actuator 9611920008 9611920009 9611920009 9611920009 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Complete Actuator-10 (NO) 9612126002 9612126102 9612126202 9612126202 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) 9612126004 9612126104 9612126204 9612126204 - Complete Actuator-10 (NO) Polished 9612126001 9612126101 9612126201 9612126201 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) Polished 9612126003 9612126103 9612126203 9612126203 - Cap 3180105256 3180105255 3180105255 3180105255 1 O-Ring 22340625 22340649 22340649 22340649 2 Cylinder 9612121902 9612122502 9612122502 9612122502 3 Air Fitting (NO) 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 3a Air Fitting (NC) 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 3a Lock Wire 3135301511 3135301891 3135301891 3135301891 4 O-Ring 22340174 22340175 22340175 22340175 5 Piston 9612123901 9612123001 9612123001 9612123001 6 O-Ring 22340667 22340617 22340617 22340617 7 Bonnet 9612123802 9612123702 9612122102 9612122102 8 Exhaust Plug (NO) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 9 Exhaust Plug (NC) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 9 Spring Assembly 9612124601 9612122901 9612122901 9612122901 10 Clip, Complete 3135307931 3135307932 3135307932 3135307932 11 Lip Seal, EPDM 3135301551 3135301551 3135301881 3135301881 14 Lip Seal, NBR 3135301554 3135301554 3135301882 3135301882 14 Lip Seal, FPM 3135301553 3135301553 3135301883 3135301883 14 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011204 9612011205 9612011205 15 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, GC 3135310322 3135310323 3135310334 88426876 16 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, Weld 3135300541 3135300551 3135300561 3135300581 16 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports, GC 88425795 88425946 N/A 88429450 16 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports, Weld 3135300546 3135300556 3135300566 3135300586 16 Valve Body Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 17 Valve Body Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 3135302052 17 Valve Body Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 3135302053 17 Valve Body Packing, PTFE 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 3135304512 17 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC 3135300307 3135300317 3135300327 3135300667 18 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, Weld 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 3135300261 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, GC 88425327 3135300397 3135300407 88426875 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, Weld 3135303766 3135303806 3135303816 3135300266 18 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, GC 3135310302 3135310323 3135310334 3135310325 16 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, Weld 3135311061 3135311071 3135311081 3135311091 16 Valve Body, Upper 2 Ports, GC 3135310332 3135360708 88425209 3135310335 16 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports, Weld 3135311062 3135311072 3135311082 3135311092 16 Valve Body Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 17 Valve Body Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 3135302052 17 Valve Body Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 3135302053 17 Valve Body Packing, PTFE 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 3135304512 17 Valve Body, Lower, 1 Port, GC 3135310302 3135310303 3135310304 3135310305 18 Valve Body, Lower, 1 Port, Weld 3135311011 3135311021 3135311031 3135311041 18 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC 3135310312 3135310313 3135311032 3135311042 18 Plug, Double, Complete, EPDM 9612120502 9612120602 9612120702 9612120802 20 Plug, Double, Complete, NBR 9612120504 9612120604 9612120704 9612120804 20 Plug, Double, Complete, FPM 9612120506 9612120606 9612120706 9612120805 20 Stem 9612120902 9612121002 9612121103 9612121104 20b Seal Ring, Upper, EPDM 3135303211 3135303231 3135303241 3135303251 20c Seal Ring, NBR 3135303212 3135303232 3135303242 3135303252 20c Seal Ring, FPM 3135303213 3135303233 3135303243 3135303253 20c Packing Upper, PTFE 3135312121 3135312161 3135312141 3135312151 20c Middle Piece 9612121401 9612121501 9612121601 9612121702 20d Seal Ring, Lower, EPDM 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 3135303251 20e Seal Ring, Lower, NBR 3135303212 3135303222 3135303242 3135303252 20e Seal Ring, Lower, FPM 3135303213 3135303223 3135303243 3135303253 20e Packing Upper, PTFE 3135312121 3135312131 3135312141 3135312151 20e Washer 9612123401 9612123301 9612122001 9612123201 20f O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 20g O-Ring, NBR 22340421 22340421 22340421 22340421 20g O-Ring, FPM 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 20g Seal Ring, PTFE 9612433001 9612433001 9612433001 9612433001 20g Screw 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 20h Alternative for Stem Seal Service Kits
Seal Type 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920475 9611920479 9611920483 9611920491 NBR 9611920476 9611920480 9611920484 9611920492 FPM 9611920477 9611920481 9611920485 9611920493 FEP 9611920478 9611920482 9611920486 9611920494 Alternative for Stem Seal Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Lip Seal Kit, EPDM 9611920078 9611920078 9611920142 9611920142 14 Lip Seal Kit, NBR 9611920079 9611920079 9611920143 9611920143 14 Lip Seal Kit, FPM 9611920080 9611920080 9611920144 9611920144 14 Lip Seal, EPDM 9612280601 9612280601 9612308801 9612308801 14a Lip Seal, NBR 9612280602 9612280602 9612308802 9612308802 14a Lip Seal, FPM 9612280603 9612280603 9612308803 9612308803 14a Plate 9612280501 9612280501 9612308701 9612308701 14b Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 14c Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 3135302052 14c Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 3135302053 14c Washer 3135304521 3135304521 3135304522 3135304522 14d O-RIng FEP/Silicone 9611992909 9611992909 9611992910 9611992910 14e Holder 3135304531 3135304531 3135304541 3135304541 14f Valve Body Packing 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 3135304512 14g - SRC-TA Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 EPDM 9611920010 9611920013 9611920016 9611920019 NBR 9611920011 9611920014 9611920017 9611920020 FPM 9611920012 9611920015 9611920018 9611920021 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 Diagram Key P50 Actuator 88122371 88122371 88122371 88138821 1 MPA2-SS Quick Disconnect (Air Fitting) 88116878 88116878 88116878 88116878 2 Cover Clip 3135307932 3135307932 3135307932 3135307932 3 TA Bonnet + Nut 88428700 88428700 88428700 701750 4 TA Actuator Stem 88428699 88428699 88428699 88428699 5 Stem O-Ring 22340649 22340649 22340649 22340649 5 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011204 9612011204 9612011205 6 Lip Seal, EPDM 3135301551 3135301551 3135301551 3135301881 7 Lip Seal, NBR 3135301552 3135301552 3135301552 3135301882 7 Lip Seal, FPM 3135301553 3135301553 3135301553 3135301883 7 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports GC 3135302970 3135300307 3135300317 3135300327 13 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports W 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 13 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports GC 884253260 88425329 3135300397 3135300407 13 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports W 3135303156 3135303766 3135303806 3135303816 13 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports GC 31353103010 3135310302 3135310303 3135310304 13 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports W 3135311001 3135311011 3135311021 3135311031 13 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports GC 31353103110 3135310312 3135310313 3135310314 13 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports W 3135311002 3135311012 3135311022 3135311033 13 Stem 3135303401 3135303771 3135303781 3135303411 8 Packing, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 9 Packing, NBR 3135303202 3135303212 3135303222 3135303242 9 Packing, FPM 3135303203 3135303213 3135303223 3135303243 9 Packing, PTFE 3135312111 3135312121 3135312131 3135312141 9 Regulating Plug 3135305151 3135305161 3135305171 3135305181 10 O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 11 O-Ring, NBR 22340421 22340421 22340421 22340421 11 O-Ring, FPM 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 11 Screw 3135305141 3135305141 3135305141 3135305141 12 Plug Assembly, EPDM 3135305201 3135305211 3135305221 3135305231 7-12 - SRC-TL/SRC-TR Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 EPDM 9611920013 9611920016 9611920019 NBR 9611920014 9611920017 9611920020 FPM 9611920015 9611920018 9611920021 Spare Parts
Parts 2 2.5 3 Diagram Key Complete Actuator-10 (NO) 3135302061 3135302061 3135302141 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) 3135302062 3135302062 3135302142 - Complete Actuator-30 (A/A) 3135302063 3135302063 3135302143 - Complete Actuator-10 (NO) Polished 3135310011 3135310011 3135310021 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) Polished 3135310012 3135310012 3135310022 - Complete Actuator-30 (A/A) Polished 3135310013 3135310013 3135310023 - Cap 3180105256 3180105256 3180105255 1 O-Ring 22340625 22340625 22340649 2 Cylinder 3135301391 3135301391 3135301851 3 Air Fitting (NO) 881249420 881249420 881249420 3a Air Fitting (NC) 881249420 881249420 881249420 3a Air Fitting (A/A) 881249420 881249420 881249420 3a Lock Wire 3135301511 3135301511 3135301891 4 O-Ring 22340174 22340174 22340175 5 Piston 3135306211 3135306211 3135306191 6 O-Ring 22340667 22340667 22340617 7 Bonnet 3135301331 3135301331 3135301901 8 Exhaust Plug (NO)
3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 9 Exhaust Plug (NC) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 9 Spring Assembly 3135306251 3135306251 3135306221 10 Spring Assembly with Extra Strong Spring 3135306252 3135306252 3135306222 10 Clip Complete 3135307931 3135307931 3135307932 11a Clip 3135301301 3135301301 3135301301 11b Lip Seal, EPDM 3135301551 3135301551 3135301881 14 Lip Seal, Nitrile 3135301554 3135301554 3135301882 14 Lip Seal, Viton 3135301553 3135301553 3135301883 14 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011204 9612011205 15 TL Valve Body, W, 2 Ports 3135306152 3135306162 3135306172 18 TL Valve Body, GC, 2 Ports 88425099 88429611 88425716 18 TR Valve Body, W, 2 Ports 3135306151 3135306161 3135306171 18 TR Valve Body, GC, 2 Ports 88425859 88425207 88425348 18 Plug, Single, Complete EPDM 3135303311 3135303321 3135303331 19 Plug, Single, Complete Nitrile 3135303312 3135303322 3135303332 19 Plug, Single, Complete Viton 3135303313 3135303323 3135303333 19 Stem 3135303771 3135303781 3135303411 19a Packing, EPDM 31353032411 3135303221 3135303241 19e Packing, Nitrile 3135303212 3135303222 3135303242 19e Packing, Viton 3135303213 3135303223 3135303243 19e Washer 3135310102 3135310103 3135310104 19f O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 19g O-Ring, Nitrile 22340421 22340421 22340421 19g O-Ring, Viton 22340435 22340435 22340435 19g Screw 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 19h Alternative for Stem Seal Service Kits
Seal Type 2 2.5 3 EPDM 9611920475 9611920479 9611920483 NBR 9611920476 9611920480 9611920484 FPM 9611920477 9611920481 9611920485 FEP 9611920478 9611920482 9611920486 Alternative for Stem Seal Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 Diagram Key Lip Seal Kit, EPDM 9611920078 9611920078 9611920142 14 Lip Seal Kit, NBR 9611920079 9611920079 9611920143 14 Lip Seal Kit, FPM 9611920080 9611920080 9611920144 14 Lip Seal, EPDM 9612280601 9612280601 9612308801 14a Lip Seal, NBR 9612280602 9612280602 9612308802 14a Lip Seal, FPM 9612280603 9612280603 9612308803 14a Plate 9612280501 9612280501 9612308701 14b Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 14c Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 14c Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 14c Washer 3135304521 3135304521 3135304522 14d O-Ring, FEP/Silicone 9611992909 9611992909 9611992910 14e Holder 3135304531 3135304531 3135304541 14f Valve Body Packing 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 14g - SRC Actuator Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Service Kit 1.5-2.5 3-4 Actuator 9611920111 9611920112 Actuator Spare Parts
Part 1.5-2.5 3-4 Diagram Key Complete Actuator-60 (NO) 3135304471 3135304481 - Complete Actuator-70 (NC) 3135304472 3135304482 - Complete Actuator-60 (NO) Polished 88425983 88432208 - Complete Actuator-70 (NC) Polished 88425982 88423773 - Cap 3180105256 3180105255 1 O-Ring 22340625 22340649 2 Lock Wire 3135301511 3135301891 4 O-Ring 22340174 22340175 5 O-Ring 22340667 22340617 7 Exhaust Plug (NO) 3135301541 3135301541 9 Exhaust Plug (NC) 3135301541 3135301541 9 Spring Assembly 3135306251 3135306221 10 Spring Assembly w/ Extra Strong Spring 3135306252 3135306222 10 Clip, Complete 3135307931 3135307932 11 Cylinder 3135304291 3135304301 30 Air Fitting (NO) 881249420 881249420 30a Air Fitting (NC) 881249420 881249420 30a Piston 3135306213 3135306193 31 Guide 3135304311 3135304321 32 Lock Ring 51997508 51997509 33 Piston for Intermediate Position 3135304253 3135304263 34 O-Ring 22340687 22340658 35 Bonnet 3135304231 3135304241 37 Bonnet Aseptic Version 3135304232 3135304242 37 Screw 22113103 22113602 38 Spacer Ring for Two-Step (6mm) 3135304881 N/A 39 Spacer Ring for Two-Step (7mm) N/A 3135304891 39 Spacer Ring for Two-Step (1.5mm) 3135304882 3135304892 39 Plastic Screw 9611991372 9611991371 40 Packing 9612355901 9612356001 41 Fiber Washer 9611992687 9611992688 42 Valve Parts Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Lip Seal, EPDM 3135301551 3135301551 3135301551 3135301881 3135301881 20 Lip Seal, Nitrile 3135301554 3135301554 3135301554 3135301882 3135301882 20 Lip Seal, Viton 3135301553 3135301553 3135301553 3135301883 3135301883 20 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011204 9612011204 9612011205 9612011205 15 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC, Industrial 31353002970 3135300307 313530037 3135300327 3131800667 18 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, W, Industrial 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 3135300261 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, GC, Industrial 884253260 88425327 3135300397 3135300407 88426875 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, W, Industrial 3135303756 3135303766 3135303806 3135303816 3135300266 18 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103010 3135310302 3135310303 3135310304 3135310305 18 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, W, Polished 3135311001 3135311011 3135311021 3135311031 3135311041 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103110 3135310332 3135310313 3135310314 3135310315 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, W, Polished 3135311002 3135311012 3135311022 3135311032 3135311042 18 Plug, Single, Complete, EPDM 3135310901 3135310911 3135310921 3135310931 3135310941 22 Plug, Single, Complete, Nitrile 3135310902 3135310912 3135310922 3135310932 3135310942 22 Plug, Single, Complete, Viton 3135310903 3135310913 3135310923 3135310933 3135310943 22 Stem 3135303401 3135303771 3135303781 3135303411 3135310075 22a Packing, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 3135303251 22e Washer 3135310101 3135310102 3135310103 3135310104 3135310105 22f O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 22g O-Ring, Nitrile 22340421 22340421 223401421 22340421 22340421 22g O-Ring, Viton 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 22g Screw 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 22h - ARC Shut-Off Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920040 9611920041 9611920042 9611920043 9611920044 NBR 9611920085 9611920087 9611920089 9611920091 9611920093 FPM 9611920086 9611920088 9611920090 9611920092 9611920094 Actuator 9611920008 9611920008 9611920008 9611920009 9611920009 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Complete Actuator-10 (NO) Industrial 3135302061 3135302061 3135302061 3135302141 3135302141 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) Industrial 3135302062 3135302062 3135302062 3135302142 3135302142 - Complete Actuator-30 (A/A) Industrial 3135302063 3135302063 3135302063 3135302143 3135302143 - Complete Actuator-10 (NO) Polished 3135310011 3135310011 3135310011 3135310021 3135310021 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) Polished 3135310012 3135310012 3135310012 3135310022 3135310022 - Complete Actuator-30 (A/A) Polished 3135310013 3135310013 3135310013 3135310023 3135310023 - Cap 3180105256 3180105256 3180105256 3180105255 3180105255 1 O-Ring 22340625 22340625 22340625 22340649 22340649 2 Cylinder 3135301391 3135301391 3135301391 3135301851 3135301851 3 Air Fitting (NO) 881249420 881249420 88124920 881249420 881249420 3 Air Fitting (NC) 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 3 Air Fitting (A/A) 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 3 Lock Wire 3135301511 3135301511 3135301511 3135301891 3135301891 4 O-Ring 22340174 22340174 22340174 22340175 22340175 5 Piston -1, -2 3135306211 3135306211 3135306211 3135306191 3135306191 6 Piston -3 3135306212 3135306212 3135306212 3135306192 3135306192 6 O-Ring 22340667 22340667 22340667 22340617 22340617 7 Bonnet 3135301332 3135301332 3135301332 3135301902 3135301902 8 Exhaust Plug (NO) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 9 Exhaust Plug (NC) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 9 Spring Assembly 3135306251 3135306251 3135306251 3135306221 3135306221 10 Spring Assembly w/ Extra Strong Spring 3135306252 3135306252 3135306252 3135306252 3135306222 10 Clip Complete 3135307931 3135307931 3135307931 3135307932 3135307932 11 Intermediate Piece 3135308131 3135308131 3135308131 3135308401 3135308401 13 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011204 9612011204 9612011205 9612011205 15 Heavy Duty Clamp 88428969 88428969 88428969 9612011205 9612011205 15a Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC, Industrial 31353002970 3135300307 3135300317 3135300327 3135300667 18 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, W, Industrial 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 3135300261 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, GC, Industrial 884253260 88425327 3135300397 3135300407 88426875 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, W, Industrial 3135303756 3135303766 3135303806 3135303816 3135300266 18 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103010 3135310302 3135310303 3135310304 3135310305 18 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, W, Polished 3135311001 3135311011 3135311021 3135311031 3135311041 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103110 3135310312 3135310313 3135310314 3135310315 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, W, Polished 3135311002 3135311012 3135311022 3135311032 3135311042 18 Washer (Prior to 11/99) 3135308211 3135308211 3135308211 3135308212 3135308212 14 Washer (11/99 to Present) 3135308213 3135308213 3135308213 3135308213 3135308213 14 Seal Ring, EPDM N/A N/A N/A 3135302051 3135302051 17 Seal Ring, NBR N/A N/A N/A 3135302052 3135302052 17 Seal Ring, FPM N/A N/A N/A 3135302053 3135302053 17 Stem, Upper 3135308091 3135308091 3135308091 3135308391 3135308391 19 Diaphragm Set, PTFE, EPDM 9611920001 9611920001 9611920001 9611920007 9611920007 20 Diaphragm Set, NBR 9611920081 9611920081 9611920081 9611920083 9611920083 20 Diaphragm Set, FPM 9611920082 9611920082 9611920082 9611920084 9611920084 20 Diaphragm Support, EPDM 3135308161 3135308161 3135308161 3135308162 3135308162 20a Diaphragm, PTFE 3135308201 3135308201 3135308201 3135308202 3135308202 20b L-Seal, EPDM 3135308171 3138308171 3135308171 3135308171 3135308171 20c L-Seal, NBR 3135308172 3135308172 3135308172 3135308172 3135308172 20c L-Seal, FPM 3135308173 3135308173 3135308173 3135308173 3135308173 20c Stem Seal, EPDM 3135308181 3135308181 3135308181 3135308182 3135308182 20d Stem Seal, NBR 3135308183 3135308183 3135308183 3138308184 3135308184 20d Stem Seal, FPM 3135308185 3135308185 3135308185 3135308186 3135308186 20d Diaphragm Ring N/A N/A N/A 3135308411 3135308411 21 Plug, Single, Complete, EPDM 3135308231 3135308232 3135308233 3135308481 3135308482 22 Plug, Single, Complete, NBR 9612309401 9612309402 9612309403 9612309201 9612309202 22 Plug, Single, Complete, FPM 9612309407 9612309408 9612309409 9612309206 9612309207 22 Stem, Lower 3135308111 3135308121 3135308151 3135308431 3135308461 22a Seal, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 N/A N/A 22d Seal, NBR 3135303202 3135303212 3135303222 N/A N/A 22d Seal, FPM 3135303203 3135303213 3135303223 N/A N/A 22d Washer 3135310101 3135310102 3135303591 3135308451 3135308452 22e O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 22f O-Ring, NBR 22340421 22340421 22340421 22340421 22340421 22f O-Ring, FPM 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 22f Screw 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 22g O-Ring, EPDM N/A N/A N/A 9611990544 9611991491 22i O-RIng, NBR N/A N/A N/A 9611990029 9611992549 22i O-Ring, FPM N/A N/A N/A 9611991345 9611992550 22i Alternative Service Kits
Seal Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920471 9611920475 9611920479 9611920483 9611920491 NBR 9611920472 9611920476 9611920480 9611920484 9611920492 FPM 9611920473 9611920477 9611920481 9611920485 9611920493 FEP 9611920474 9611920478 9611920482 9611920486 9611920494 Alternative Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Lip Seal Kit, EPDM 9611920078 9611920078 9611920078 9611920142 9611920142 20d Lip Seal Kit, NBR 9611920079 9611920079 9611920079 9611920143 9611920143 20d Lip Seal Kit, FPM 9611920080 9611920080 9611920080 9611920144 9611920144 20d Lip Seal, EPDM 9612280601 9612280601 9612280601 9612308801 9612308801 20da Lip Seal, NBR 9612280602 9612280602 9612280602 9612308802 9612308802 20da Lip Seal, FPM 9612280603 9612280603 9612280603 9612308803 9612308803 20da Plate 9612280501 9612280501 9612280501 9612308701 9612308701 20db Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 20dc Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 3135302052 20dc Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 3135302053 20dc Washer 3135304521 3135304521 3135304521 3135304522 3135304522 20dd O-Ring FEP/Silicone 9611992909 9611992909 9611992909 9611992910 9611992910 20de Holder 3135304531 3135304531 3135304531 3135304541 3135304541 20df Valve Body Packing 3135304511 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 3135304512 20dg - ARC Divert Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920045 9611920046 9611920047 9611920048 9611920049 NBR 9611920095 9611920097 9611920099 9611920101 9611920103 FPM 9611920096 9611920098 9611920100 9611920102 9611920104 Actuator 9611920008 9611920008 9611920008 9611920009 9611920009 Spare Parts
Parts 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Complete Actuator-10 (NO) Industrial 3135302061 3135302061 3135302061 3135302141 3135302141 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) Industrial 3135302062 3135302062 3135302062 3135302062 3135302142 - Complete Actuator-30 (A/A) Industrial 3135302063 3135302063 3135302063 3135302143 3135302143 - Complete Actuator-10 (NO) Polished 3135310011 3135310011 3135310011 3135310021 3135310021 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) Polished 3135310012 3135310012 3135310012 3135310022 3135310022 - Complete Actuator-30 (A/A) Polished 3135310013 3135310013 3135310013 3135310023 3135310023 - Cap 3180105256 3180105256 3180105256 3180105255 3180105255 1 O-Ring 22340625 22340625 22340625 22340649 22340649 2 Cylinder 3135301391 3135301391 3135301391 3135301851 3135301851 3 Air Fitting (NO) 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 3a Air Fitting (NC) 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 3a Air Fitting (A/A) 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 881249420 3a Lock Wire 3135301511 3135301511 3135301511 3135301891 3135301891 4 O-Ring 22340174 22340174 22340174 22340175 22340175 5 Piston -1, -2 3135306211 3135306211 3135306211 3135306191 3135306191 6 Piston -3 3135306212 3135306212 3135306212 3135306192 3135306192 6 O-Ring 22340667 22340667 22340667 22340617 22340617 7 Bonnet 3135301332 3135301332 3135301332 3135301902 3135301902 8 Exhaust Plug (NO) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 9 Exhaust Plug (NC) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 9 Spring Assembly 3135306251 3135306251 3135306251 3135306221 3135306221 10 Spring Assembly w/ Extra Strong Spring 3135306252 3135306252 3135306252 3135306222 3135306222 10 Clip, Complete 3135307931 3135307931 3135307931 3135307932 3135307932 11 Intermediate Piece 3135308131 3135308131 3135308131 3135308401 3135308401 13 Heavy Duty Clamps 9612011204 9612011204 9612011204 9612011205 9612011205 15 Heavy Duty Clamp 88428969 88428969 88428969 9612011205 9612011205 15a Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, GC, Industrial 884253250 3135300707 88425264 3135300647 88426876 16 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, Weld, Industrial 3135300531 3135300541 3135300551 3135300561 3135300581 16 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports, GC, Industrial 884257960 88425795 88425946 N/A 88429450 16 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports, Weld, Industrial 3135300536 3135300546 3135300556 3135300566 3135300586 16 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC, Industrial 3135302970 3135300307 3135300317 3135303811 3135300667 18 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, Weld, Industrial 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 3135300261 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, GC, Industrial 884253260 88425327 3135300397 3135300407 88426875 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, Weld, Industrial 3135303756 3135303766 3135303806 3135303816 3135300266 18 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, GC, Polished 31353103210 3135310302 3135310323 3135310334 3135310325 16 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, Weld, Polished 31353103310 3135310332 3135300708 88425209 3135310335 16 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports, Weld, Polished 3135311052 3135311062 3135311072 3135311082 3135311092 16 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103010 3135310302 3135310303 3135310304 3135310305 18 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, Weld, Polished 3135311001 3135311011 3135311021 3135311031 3135311041 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103110 3135310312 3135310313 3135310314 3135310315 18 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, Weld, Polished 3135311002 3135311012 3135311022 3135311032 3135311042 18 Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 313530128 N/A N/A 17 Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 N/A N/A 17 Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135301283 N/A N/A 17 Seal Ring, EPDM N/A N/A N/A 3135302051 3135302051 17 Seal Ring, NBR N/A N/A N/A 3135302052 3135302052 17 Seal Ring, FPM N/A N/A N/A 3135302053 3135302053 17 Stem, Upper 3135308091 3135308091 3135308091 3135308391 3135308391 19 Diaphragm Set PTFE, EPDM 9611920001 9611920001 9611920001 9611920007 9611920007 20 Diaphragm Set, NBR 9611920081 9611920081 9611920081 9611920083 9611920083 20 Diaphragm Set, FPM 9611920082 9611920082 9611920082 9611920084 9611920084 20 Diaphragm Support, EPDM 3135308161 3135308161 3135308161 3135308162 3135308162 20a Diaphragm for PTFE 3135308201 3135308201 3135308201 3135308202 3135308202 20b L-Seal, EPDM 3135308171 3135308171 3135308171 3135308171 3135308171 20c L-Seal, NBR 3135308172 3135308172 3135308172 3135308172 3135308172 20c L-Seal, FPM 3135308173 3135308173 3135308173 3135308173 3135308173 20c Stem Seal, EPDM 3135308181 3135308181 3135308181 3135308182 3135308182 20d Stem Seal, NBR 3135308183 3135308183 3135308183 3135308184 3135308184 20d Stem Seal, FPM 3135308185 3135308185 3135308185 3135308186 3135308186 20d Diaphragm Ring N/A N/A N/A 3135308411 3135308411 21 Plug, Double, Complete, EPDM 9612540001 9612540004 3135308243 3135308561 3135308562 22 Plug, Double, Complete, EPDM 3135308241 3135308242 3135308243 3135308561 3135308562 22 Plug, Double, Complete, NBR 9612540002 9612540005 9612309303 9612309101 9612309102 22 Plug, Double, Complete, NBR 9612309301 9612309302 9612309303 9612309101 9612309102 22 Plug, Double, Complete, FPM 9612540003 9612340006 9612309309 9612309106 9612309107 22 Plug, Double, Compete, FPM 9612309307 9612309308 9612309309 9612309106 9612309107 22 Stem, Lower Period 9911- 3135308103 3135308104 3135308141 3135308501 3135308502 22a Stem, Lower Period 8605-9910 3135308101 3135308102 3135308141 3135308501 3135308502 22a Seal, EPDM 3135303211 3135303211 3135303231 N/A N/A 22b Seal, NBR 3135303212 3135303212 3135303232 N/A N/A 22b Seal, FPM 3135303213 3135303213 3135303233 N/A N/A 22b Middle Piece, Period 9911 9612497201 9612497301 3135303651 3135308541 3135308551 22c Middle Piece, Period 8605-9910 3135303631 3135303641 3135303651 3135308541 3135308551 22c Seal, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 N/A N/A 22d Seal, NBR 3135303202 3135303212 3135303222 N/A N/A 22d Seal, FPM 3135303203 3135303213 3135303223 N/A N/A 22d Washer 3135310101 3135310102 3135303591 3135308451 3135308452 22e O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 22f O-Ring, NBR 22340421 22340421 22340421 22340421 22340421 22f O-Ring, FPM 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 22f Screw 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 22g O-Ring, EPDM N/A N/A N/A 9611990544 9611991491 22h O-Ring, NBR N/A N/A N/A 9611990029 9611992549 22h O-Ring, FPM N/A N/A N/A 9611991345 9611992550 22h O-Ring, EPDM N/A N/A N/A 9611990544 9611991491 22i O-Ring, NBR N/A N/A N/A 9611990029 9611992549 22i O-Ring, FPM N/A N/A N/A 9611991345 9611992550 22i Alternative Service Kits
Seal Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920471 9611920475 9611920479 9611920483 9611920491 NBR 9611920472 9611920476 9611920480 9611920484 9611920492 FPM 9611920473 9611920477 9611920481 9611920485 9611920493 FEP 9611920474 9611920478 9611920482 9611920486 9611920494 Alternative Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Lip Seal Kit, EPDM 9611920078 9611920078 9611920078 9611920142 9611920142 20d Lip Seal Kit, NBR 9611920079 9611920079 9611920079 9611920143 9611920143 20d Lip Seal Kit, FPM 9611920080 9611920080 9611920080 9611920144 9611920144 20d Lip Seal, EPDM 9612280601 9612280601 9612280601 9612308801 9612308801 20da Lip Seal, NBR 9612280602 9612280602 9612280602 9612308802 9612308802 20da Lip Seal, FPM 9612280603 9612280603 9612280603 9612308803 9612308803 20da Plate 9612280501 9612280501 9612280501 9612308701 9612308701 20db Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 20dc Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 3135302052 20dc Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 3135302053 20dc Washer 3135304521 3135304521 3135304521 3135304522 3135304522 20dd O-Ring, FEP/Silicone 9611992909 9611992909 9611992909 9611992910 9611992910 20de Holder 3135304531 3135304531 3135304531 3135304541 3135304541 20df Valve Body Packing 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 3135304512 20dg - ARC-SB Divert Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 EPDM 9611920334 9611920338 9611920342 NBR 9611920335 9611920339 9611920343 FPM 9611920336 9611920340 9611920344 PTFE 9611920337 9611920341 9611920345 Actuator 9611920255 9611920255 9611920255 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 Diagram Key Complete Actuator-10 (NO) Industrial 9612188401 9612188401 9612188401 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) Industrial 9612188402 9612188402 9612188402 - Complete Actuator-30 (A/A) Industrial 9612188403 9612188403 9612188403 - Complete Actuator-10 (NO) Polished 9612188406 9612188406 9612188406 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) Polished 9612188407 9612188407 9612188407 - Cap 3180105256 3180105256 3180105256 1 O-Ring, NBR 22340625 22340625 22340625 2 Exhaust Plug (NO) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3 Exhaust Plug (NC) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3 Cylinder 3135301391 3135301391 3135301391 4 Air Fitting (NO) 881249420 881249420 881249420 4a Air Fitting (NC) 881249420 881249420 881249420 4a Air Fitting (A/A) 881249420 881249420 881249420 4a Lock Wire 3135301511 3135301511 3135301511 5 Spring Assembly 3135306251 3135306251 3135306251 7 Spring Assembly w/ Strong Spring 3135306252 3135306252 3135306252 7 O-Ring, NBR 22340174 22340174 22340174 8 Piston for NO and NC 3135306211 3135306211 3135306211 9 Piston for Air/Air 3135306212 3135306212 3135306212 9 O-Ring, NBR 22340667 22340667 22340667 10 Drain Tube 3180114441 3180114441 3180114441 11 Bonnet 9612188101 9612188101 9612188101 12 O-Ring 9611990011 9611990011 9611990011 13 O-Ring 9611992620 9611992620 9611992620 14 Clip, Complete 3135307931 3135307931 3135307931 15 Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 16 Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 16 Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135301283 16 Seal Ring, PTFE 3135301284 3135301284 3135301284 16 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011204 9612011204 17 Upper Valve Body, 1 Port, Weld, Industrial 3135300531 3135300541 3135300551 18 Upper Valve Body, 2 Ports, Weld, Industrial 313530536 3135300546 3135300556 18 Lower Valve Body, 2 Ports, Weld, Industrial 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 20 Lower Valve Body, 3 Ports, Weld, Industrial 3135303756 3135303766 3135303806 20 Upper Valve Body, 1 Port, Weld, Polished 3135311051 3135311061 3135311071 18 Upper Valve Body, 1 Port, GC, Polished 31353103210 3135310322 3135310323 18 Upper Valve Body, 2 Ports, Weld, Polished 3135311052 3135311062 3135311072 18 Upper Valve Body, 2 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103310 3135310332 3135300708 18 Lower Valve Body, 1 Port, GC, Polished 31353103010 3135310302 3135310303 20 Lower Valve Body, 2 Ports, Weld, Polished 3135311001 3135311011 3135311021 20 Lower Valve Body, 2 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103110 3135310312 3135310313 20 Lower Valve Body, 3 Ports, Weld, Polished 3135311002 3135311012 3135311022 20 Plug, Double, Complete, EPDM 96121585504 9612585305 9612585306 21 Plug, Double, Complete, NBR 9612420710 9612420711 9612420712 21 Plug, Double, Complete, FPM 9612420716 9612420717 9612420718 21 Plug, Double, Complete, PTFE 9612420722 9612420723 9612420724 21 Stem Double 9612420604 9612420605 9612420606 21 Seal Ring, Upper, EPDM 3135303211 3135303211 3135303231 21a Seal Ring, Upper, NBR 3135303212 3135303212 3135303232 21b Seal Ring, Upper, FPM 3135303213 3135303213 3135303233 21b Seal Ring, Upper, PTFE 3135312121 3135312121 3135312161 21b Middle Piece 3135303631 3135303641 3135303651 21c Seal Ring, Lower, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 21d Seal Ring, Lower, NBR 3135303202 3135303212 3135303222 21d Seal Ring, Lower, FPM 3135303203 3135303213 3135303223 21d Seal Ring, Lower, PTFE 3135312111 3135312121 3135312131 21d Washer 3135310101 3135310102 3135310103 21e O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 21f O-Ring, NBR 22340421 22340421 22340421 21f O-Ring, FPM 22340435 22340435 22340435 21f O-Ring, PTFE 9612433001 9612433001 9612433001 21f Screw 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 21g - ARC-SB Shut-Off Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 EPDM 9611920322 9611920326 9611920330 NBR 9611920323 9611920327 9611920331 PFM 9611920324 9611920328 9611920332 PTFE 9611920325 9611920329 9611920333 Actuator 9611920255 9611920255 9611920255 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 Diagram Key Complete Actuator-10 (NO) Industrial 9612188301 9612188301 9612188301 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) Industrial 9612188302 9612188302 9612188302 - Complete Actuator-30 (A/A) Industrial 9612188303 9612188303 9612188303 - Complete Actuator-10 (NO) Polished
9612188306 9612188306 9612188306 - Complete Actuator-20 (NC) Polished 9612188307 9612188307 9612188307 - Cap 3180105256 3180105256 3180105256 1 O-Ring, NBR 22340625 22340625 22340625 2 Exhaust Plug (NO) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3 Exhaust Plug (NC) 3135301541 3135301541 3135301541 3 Cylinder 3135301391 3135301391 3135301391 4 Air Fitting (NO) 881249420 881249420 881249420 4a Air Fitting (NC) 881249420 881249420 881249420 4a Air Fitting (A/A) 881249420 881249420 881249420 4a Lock Wire 3135301511 3135301511 3135301511 5 Stop Ring 9612187801 9612187801 9612187801 6 Spring Assembly 3135306251 3135306251 3135306251 7 Spring Assembly w/ Strong Spring 3135306252 3135306252 3135306252 7 O-Ring, NBR 22340174 22340174 22340174 8 Piston for NO and NC 3135306211 3135306211 3135306211 9 Piston for Air/Air
3135306212 3135306212 3135306212 9 O-Ring, NBR
22340667 22340667 22340667 10 Drain Tube 3180114441 3180114441 3180114441 11 Bonnet 9612188101 9612188101 9612188101 12 O-Ring 9611990011 9611990011 9611990011 13 O-Ring 9611992620 9611992620 9611992620 14 Clip, Complete 3135307931 3135307931 15 Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 16 Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 16 Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135301283 16 Seal Ring, PTFE 3135301284 3135301284 3135301284 16 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011204 9612011204 17 Valve Body, 2 Ports, Weld, Industrial 9612183001 9612183301 3135303801
20 Valve Body, 3 Ports, Weld, Industrial 9612183002 9612183302 3135303806
20 Valve Body, 2 Ports, Clamp, Polished 88441543 88442686 3135310303 20 Valve Body, 2 Ports, Weld, Polished 9612183005 9612183305 20 Valve Body, 3 Ports, Clamp, Polished 88442685 88442687 3135310313 20 Valve Body, 3 Ports, Weld, Polished 9612183006 9612183306 20 Plug, Double, Complete, EPDM 9612420904 9612420905 9612420906 21 Plug, Double, Complete, NBR 9612420910 9612420911 9612420912 21 Plug, Double, Complete, FPM 9612420916 9612420917 9612420918 21 Plug, Double, Complete, PTFE 9612420922 9612420923 9612420924 21 Stem, Double 9612420804 9612420805 9612420806 21a Seal Ring, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 21d Seal Ring, NBR 3135303202 3135303212 3135303222 21d Seal Ring, FPM 3135303203 3135303213 3135303223 21d Seal Ring, PTFE 3135312111 3135312121 3135312131 21d Washer 3135310101 3135310102 3135310103 21e O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 21f O-Ring, NBR 22340421 22340421 22340421 21f O-Ring, FPM 22340435 22340435 22340435 21f O-Ring, PTFE 9612433001 9612423001 9612433001 21f Screw 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 21g - SMO Shut-Off Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920010 9611920013 9611920016 9611920019 9611920022 NBR 9611920011 9611920014 9611920017 9611920020 9611920023 FPM 9611920012 9611920015 9611920018 9611920021 9611920024 Spare Parts
Alternative Stem Seal Service Kits
Seal Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920471 9611920475 9611920479 9611920483 9611920491 NBR 9611920472 9611920476 9611920480 9611920484 9611920492 FPM 9611920473 9611920477 9611920481 9611920485 9611920493 FEP 9611920474 9611920478 9611920482 9611920486 9611920494 Alternative Stem Seal Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Lip Seal Kit, EPDM 9611920078 9611920078 9611920078 9611920142 9611920142 8 Lip Seal Kit, NBR 9611920079 9611920079 9611920079 9611920143 9611920143 8 Lip Seal Kit, FPM 9611920080 9611920080 9611920080 9611920144 9611920144 8 Lip Seal, EPDM 9612280601 9612280601 9612280601 9612308801 9612308801 8a Lip Seal, NBR 9612280602 9612280602 9612280602 9612308802 9612308802 8a Lip Seal, FPM 9612280603 9612280603 9612280603 9612308803 9612308803 8a Plate 9612280501 9612280501 9612280501 9612308701 9612308701 8b Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 8c Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 8c Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 3135302053 8c Washer 3135304521 3135304521 3135304521 3135304522 3135304522 8d O-Ring, FEP/Silicone 9611992909 9611992909 9611992909 9611992910 9611992910 8e Holder 3135304531 3135304531 3135304531 3135304541 3135304541 8f Valve Body Packing 3135304511 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 3135304512 8g - SMO Divert Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920025 9611920028 9611920031 9611920034 9611920037 NBR 9611920026 9611920029 9611920032 9611920035 9611920038 FPM 9611920027 9611920030 9611920033 9611920036 9611920039 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram key Crank Mechanism, Complete, Polished 88428286 88428286 88428286 88428287 88428287 - Crank Mechanism, Complete, Industrial 3135305301 3135305301 3135305301 3135305302 3135305302 - Crank 3135304621 3135304621 3135304621 3135304621 3135304621 1 Handle 3135304951 3135304951 3135304951 3135304951 3135304951 2 Cap 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3 Washer 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 4 Stem Holder 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 5 Guide 3135304591 3135304591 3135304591 3135304601 3135304601 6 Set Screw 22158192 22158192 22158192 22158192 22158192 7 Lip Seal, EPDM 3135301551 3135301551 3135301551 3135301881 3135301881 8 Lip Seal, NBR 3135301552 3135301552 3135301552 3135301882 3135301882 8 Lip Seal, FPM 3135301553 3135301553 3135301553 3135301883 3135301883 8 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011204 9612011204 9612011205 9612011205 9 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, GC, Industrial 884253250 3135300707
3135300647 88426876 10 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, W, Industrial 3135300531 3135300541 3135300551 3135300561 3135300581 10 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports, GC, Industrial 884257960 88435795 N/A 88426875 88429450 10 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports, W, Industrial 3135300536 3135300546 3135300556 3135300566 3135300586 10 Valve Body Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 11 Valve Body Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 3135302052 11 Valve Body Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 3135302053 11 Valve Body Packing, PTFE 3135304511 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 3135304512 11 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC, Industrial 3135300297 3135300307 3135300317 3135300327 3135300667 12 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, W, Industrial 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 3135300261 12 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, GC, Industrial 884253260 884253260 3135300397 3135300407 88426875
12 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, W, Industrial 3135303756 3135303766 3135303806 3135303816 3135300266 12 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port, W, Polished 3135311051 3135311061 3135311071 3135311081 3135311091 10 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103310 3135310332 3135300708 88425209 3135310335 10 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports, W, Polished 3135311052 3135311062 3135311072 3135311082 3135311092 10 Valve Body Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 11 Valve Body Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 3135302052 11 Valve Body Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 3135302053 11 Valve Body Packing, PTFE 3135304511 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 3135304512 11 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103010 3135310302 3135310303 3135310304 3135310305 12 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, W, Polished 3135311001 3135311011 3135311021 3135311031 3135311041 12 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, GC, Polished 3135310311 3135310312 3135310313 3135310314 3135310315 12 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, W, Polished 3135311002 3135311012 3135311022 3135311033 3135311042 12 Plug, Double, Complete, EPDM 3135303351 3135303361 3135303371 3135303381 3135303391 12 Plug, Double, Complete, NBR 3135303352 3135303362 3135303372 3135303382 3135303392 12 Plug, Double, Complete, FPM 3135303353 3135303363 3135303373 3135303383 3135303393 12 Stem 3135303491 3135303492 3135303493 3135303501 3135310085 13 Packing, Upper, EPDM 3135303211 3135303211 3135303231 3135303241 3135303251 14 Packing, Upper, NBR 3135303212 3135303212 3135303232 3135303242 3135303252 14 Packing, Upper, FPM 3135303213 3135303213 3135303233 3135303243 3135303253 14 Packing, Upper, PTFE 3135312121 3135312121 3135312161 3135312141 3135312151 14 Middle Piece 3135303631 3135303641 3135303651 3135303661 3135303671 15 Packing, Lower, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 3135303251 16 Packing, Lower, NBR 3135303202 3135303212 3135303222 3135303242 3135303252 16 Packing, Lower, FPM 3135303203 3135303213 3135303223 3135303243 3135303253 16 Packing, Lower, PTFE 3135312111 3135312121 3135312131 3135312141 3135312151 16 Washer 3135310101 3135310102 3135310103 3135310104 3135310105 17 O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 18 O-Ring, NBR 22340421 22340421 22340421 22340421 22340421 18 O-Ring, FPM 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 18 Seal Ring, PTFE 9612433001 9612433001 9612433001 9612433001 9612433001 18 Screw 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 3135310111 19 Alternative Service Kits
Seal Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920471 9611920475 9611920479 9611920483 9611920491 NBR 9611920472 9611920476 9611920480 9611920484 9611920492 FPM 9611920473 9611920477 9611920481 9611920485 9611920493 FEP 9611920474 9611920478 9611920482 9611920486 9611920494 Alternative Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Lip Seal Kit, EPDM 9611920078 9611920078 9611920078 9611920142 9611920142 8 Lip Seal Kit, NBR 9611920079 9611920079 9611920079 9611920143 9611920143 8 Lip Seal Kit, FPM 9611920080 9611920080 9611920080 9611920144 9611920144 8 Lip Seal, EPDM 9612280601 9612280601 9612280601 9612308801 9612308801 8a Lip Seal, NBR 9612280602 9612280602 9612280602 9612308802 9612308802 8a Lip Seal, FPM 9612280603 9612280603 9612280603 9612308803 9612308803 8a Plate 9612280501 9612280501 9612280501 9612308701 9612308701 8b Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 8c Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 3135302052 8c Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 3135302053 8c Washer 3135304521 3135304521 3135304521 3135304522 3135304522 8d O-Ring FEP/Silicone 9611992909 9611992909 9611992909 9611992910 9611992910 8e Holder 3135304531 3135304531 3135304531 3135304541 3135304541 8f Valve Body Packing 3135304511 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 3135304512 8g - SMO-A Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Crank Mechanism, Complete 3135305303 3135305303 3135305303 3135305304 3135305304 - Crank 3135304621 3135304621 3135304621 3135304621 3135304621 1 Handle 3135304951 3135304951 3135304951 3135304951 3135304951 2 Cap 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3 Washer 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 4 Stem Holder 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 5 Guide 3135310051 3135310051 3135310051 3135310053 3135310053 6 Set Screw 22158192 22158192 22158192 22158192 22158192 7 Drain Tube N/A N/A N/A 3180114441 3180114441 209b Guide 3135304592 3135304592 3135304592 3135304602 3135304602 212 Clamps & Screws 3132000271 3132000271 3132000271 3132000272 3132000272 9a+b Clamp Half 3132000221 3132000221 3132000221 3132000211 3132000211 9a Screw 221093618 221093618 221093618 221093618 221093618 9b Valve Body, upper, 1 Port 3135300531 3135300541 3135300551 3135300561 3135300581 10a Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports 3135300536 3135300546 3135300556 3135300566 3135300586 10b Valve Body Packing, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 11 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 3135300261 12a Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports 3135303756 3135303766 3135303806 3135303816 3135300266 12b Plug, Complete, EPDM 3135305011 3135305012 3135305013 3135305013 3135305015 - Stem 3135304721 3135304722 3135304723 3135304771 3135304772 208b Packing, Upper, EPDM 3135303211 3135303211 3135303231 3135303241 3135303251 14 Middle Piece 3135303631 3135303641 3135303651 3135303661 3135303671 15 Packing, Lower, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 3135303251 16 Washer 3135303571 3135303581 3135303591 3135303601 3135303611 17 O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 18 Screw 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 3135303621 19 Pressure Support 3135304571 3135304571 3135304571 3135304571 3135304571 201 Vacuum Support 3135304961 3135304961 3135304961 3135305441 3135305441 202 O-Ring, EPDM 99001401 99001401 99001401 3135305421 3135305421 203 Diaphragm, EPDM 3135304071 3135304071 3135304071 3135304141 3135304141 204 Packing, PTFE 3135304971 3135304971 3135304971 3135305061 3135305061 205 Nut 3135304051 3135304051 3135304051 3135304121 3135304121 206b Washer 3135304041 3135304041 3135304041 3135304111 3135304111 207 - SMO-R Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920010 9611920013 9611920016 9611920019 9611920022 NBR 9611920011 9611920014 9611920017 9611920020 9611920023 FPM 9611920012 9611920015 9611920018 9611920021 9611920024 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Complete Operating Mechanism, Polished 88428288 88428288 88428288 88428289 88428289 - Complete Operating Mechanism, Industrial 3135305311 3135305311 3135305311 3135305312 3135305312 - Hand Wheel 3135305281 3135305281 3135305281 3135305281 3135305281 1 Lock Screw 3135305291 3135305291 3135305291 3135305291 3135305291 2 Cap 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3 Washer 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 4 Stem Holder 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 5 Guide 3135304591 3135304591 3135304591 3135304601 3135304601 6 Set Screw 22158192 22158192 22158192 22158192 22158192 7 Lip Seal, EPDM 3135301551 3135301551 3135301551 3135301881 3135301881 8 Lip Seal, NBR 3135301552 3135301552 3135301552 3135301882 3135301882 8 Lip Seal, FPM 3135301553 3135301553 3135301553 3135301883 3135301883 8 Heavy Duty Clamp 9612011204 9612011204 9612011204 9612011205 9612011205 9 Valve Body, 2 Ports, GC, Industrial 884253250 3135300307 3135300317 3135300327 3135300667 10 Valve Body, 2 Ports, W, Industrial 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 3135300261 10 Valve Body, 3 Ports, GC, Industrial 884257960 88425795 88425946 3135300407 88426875 10 Valve Body, 3 Ports, W, Industrial 3135303756 3135303766 3135303806 3135303816 3135300266 10 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103010 3135310302 3135310303 3135310304 3135310305 10 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports, W, Polished 315311001 3135311011 3135311021 3135311031 3135311041 10 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, GC, Polished 31353103310 3135310332 3135310313 3135310314 3135310315 10 Valve Body, Lower, 3 Ports, W, Polished 3135311002 3135311012 3135311022 3135311032 3135311042 10 Plug, Complete, EPDM 3135305201 3135305211 3135305221 3135305231 3135305241 - Plug, Complete, NBR 3135305202 3135305212 3135305222 3135305232 3135305242 - Plug, Complete, FPM 3135305203 3135305213 3135305223 3135305233 3135305243 - Regulating Plug 3135305151 3135305161 3135305171 3135305181 3135305191 11 Stem 3135303401 3135303771 3135303781 3135303411 3135310075 12 Packing, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 3135303251 13 Packing, NBR 3135303202 3135303212 3135303222 3135303242 3135303252 13 Packing, FPM 3135303203 3135303213 3135303223 3135303243 3135303253 13 Packing, PTFE 3135312111 3135312121 3135312131 3135312141 3135312151 13 O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 14 O-Ring, NBR 22340421 22340421 22340421 22340421 22340421 14 O-Ring, FPM 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 22340435 14 Seal Ring, PTFE 9612433001 9612433001 9612433001 9612433001 9612433001 14 Screw 3135305141 3135305141 3135305141 3135305141 3135305141 15 Alternative Service Kits
Seal Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611920471 9611920475 9611920479 9611920483 9611920491 NBR 9611920472 9611920476 9611920480 9611920484 9611920492 FPM 9611920473 9611920477 9611920481 9611920485 9611920493 FEP 9611920474 9611920478 9611920482 9611920486 9611920494 Alternative Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Lip Seal Kit, EPDM 9611920078 9611920078 9611920078 9611920142 9611920142 8 Lip Seal Kit, NBR 9611920079 9611920079 9611920079 9611920143 9611920143 8 Lip Seal Kit, FPM 9611920080 9611920080 9611920080 9611920144 9611920144 8 Lip Seal, EPDM 9612280601 9612280601 9612280601 9612308801 9612308801 8a Lip Seal, NBR 9612280602 9612280602 9612280602 9612308802 9612308802 8a Lip Seal, FPM 9612280603 9612280603 9612280603 9612308803 9612308803 8a Plate 9612280501 9612280501 9612280501 9612308701 9612308701 8b Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 3135301281 3135301281 3135302051 3135302051 8c Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 3135301282 3135301282 3135302052 3135302052 8c Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 3135301283 3135301283 3135302053 3135302053 8c Washer 3135304521 3135304521 3135304521 3135304522 3135304522 8d O-Ring, FEP/Silicone 9611992909 9611992909 9611992909 9611992910 9611992910 8e Holder 3135304531 3135304531 3135304531 3135304541 3135304541 8f Valve Body Packing 3135304511 3135304511 3135304511 3135304512 3135304512 8g - SMO-RA Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Operating Mechanism, Complete 3135305313 3135305313 3135305313 3135305314 3135305314 - Handwheel 3135305281 3135305281 3135305281 3135305281 3135305281 1 Lock Screw 3135305291 3135305291 3135305291 3135305291 3135305291 2 Cap 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3135304681 3 Washer 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 3135304671 4 Stem Holder 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 3135304661 5 Set Screw 22158192 22159192 22158192 22158192 22158192 7 Drain Tube 3135305401 3135305401 3135305401 N/A N/A 209a Drain Tube N/A N/A N/A 3180114441 3180114441 209b Guide 3135304592 3135304592 3135304592 3135304602 3135304602 212 Clamps & Screws 3132000271 3132000271 3132000271 3132000272 3132000272 9a+b Clamp Half 3132000221 3132000221 3132000221 3132000211 3132000211 9a Screw 221093618 221093618 221093618 221093618 221093618 9b Valve Body, 2 Ports 3135303751 3135303761 3135303801 3135303811 3135300261 10 Plug Complete, EPDM 3135305431 3135305432 3135305433 3135305434 3135305435 - Stem 3135304731 3135304732 3135304741 3135304761 3135304762 208a Regulating Plug 3135305151 3135305161 3135305171 3135305181 3135305191 11 Packing, EPDM 3135303201 3135303211 3135303221 3135303241 3135303251 13 O-Ring, EPDM 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 99003401 14 Screw 3135305141 3135305141 3135305141 3135305141 3135305141 15 Pressure Support 3135304571 3135304571 3135304571 3135304581 3135304581 201 Vacuum Support 3135304961 3135304961 3135304961 3135305441 3135305441 202 O-Ring, EPDM 99001401 99001401 99001401 3135305421 3135305421 203 Diaphragm, EPDM 3135304071 3135304071 3135304071 3135304141 3135304141 204 Packing, PTFE 3135304971 3135304971 3135304971 3135305061 3135305061 205 Nut 3135305381 3135305381 3135305381 3135305411 3135305411 206a Washer 3135304041 3135304041 3135304041 3135304111 3135304111 207 - SMO-RF Service Kits & Spare Parts
Service Kits
Type Part Number EPDM 9611920139 NBR 9611920140 FPM 9611920141 Spare Parts
Part Part Number Diagram Key Operating Mechanism Complete 3135305311 - Hand Wheel 3135305281 1 Lock Screw 3135305291 2 Cap 3135304681 3 Washer 3135304671 4 Stem Holder 3135304661 5 Guide 3135304591 6 Set Screw 22158192 7 Lip Seal, EPDM 3135301551 8 Lip Seal, NBR 3135301552 8 Lip Seal, FPM 3135301553 8 Clamps and Screws 3132000271 9 Valve Body 3135302661 10 Packing, EPDM 3135301281 11 Packing, NBR 3135301282 11 Packing, FPM 3135301283 11 Packing, PTFE 3135304511 11 Valve Plug 3135305461 12 Valve Seat 3135302722 13 Alternative Service Kits
Seal Type Part Number EPDM 9611920495 NBR 9611920496 FPM 9611920499 FEP 9611920498 Alternative Spare Parts
Part Part Number Diagram Key Lip Seal Kit, EPDM 9611920078 8 Lip Seal Kit, NBR 9611920079 8 Lip Seal Kit, FPM 9611920080 8 Lip Seal, EPDM 9612280601 8a Lip Seal, NBR 9612280602 8a Lip Seal, FPM 9612280603 8a Plate 9612280501 8b Seal Ring, EPDM 3135301281 8c Seal Ring, NBR 3135301282 8c Seal Ring, FPM 3135301283 8c Washer 3135304521 8d O-Ring, FEP/Silicone 9611992909 8e Holder 3135304531 8f Valve Body Packing
3135304511 8g
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