Tri-Clover® 700 Series Valves
Tri-Clover® 700 Series single seat valves from Alfa Laval deliver years of reliable performance in a wide variety of temperature ranges and working conditions. Choose the configuration that’s right for you.
A sanitary and flexible design offers alternatives to meet the exacting requirements of your applications. Whether you choose a stop valve with two or three ports, or a divert valve with three to five ports, the 700 Series valves offer great flexibility for the long haul.
- Shut-Off
- Divert
- Throttling
- Tank Outlet
- Kettle
Tri-Clover 700 series valves are authorized to carry the 3-A symbol.

The Alfa Laval 700 Series valve's rugged plastic stem bushings eliminate metal-to-metal galling. The stem is threaded to the actuator shaft, eliminating the coupling between the stem and actuator, which ensures proper alignment. Bushings at each end of the cylinder support stem also ensure perfect alignment. Each 700 Series valve features a heavy-duty bonnet and body ferrule design that will stand up to years of pounding from hydraulic shock.
700 Series valves are remotely controlled by means of compressed air. This design requires very few simple, movable parts, greatly enhancing reliability. Heavy-duty construction and precision-molded bonnet gaskets ensure positive alignment under severe operating conditions. The valve stem design requires only a single o-ring seal.
- Normally open (NO), normally closed (NC), or air-to-air operation
- Actuators are reversible NO/NC and semi-maintainable
- Short or long stroke
- High pressure option available
Product Wetted Steel Parts | 316L |
Other Steel Parts | 304 |
Plug Stem | Buna bonded or "TR"/"TR2" PTFE replaceable (standard) EPDM or SFY (optional) |
Product Wetted Seals | Buna (standard) EPDM or SFY (optional) |
Max Product Pressure | Depends on valve specification and size (contact CSI) |
Temperature Range | 200 – 284°F (EPDM) |
Air Pressure | 60 – 80 psi |
Product Resources
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Spare Parts
- Actuator Type 15 & 25 Spare Parts
Part Part Number Diagram Key Service Kit 9613990170 - Coupler 764249 1 Gasket 755451 2 Sealing Nut 754328 3 Cylinder 750032 4 Outer Diaphragm Clamp 763805 5 Body Insert 764088 6 Diaphragm 763501 7 Inner Diaphragm Clamp 763753 8 Adapter 764089 9 Spring 750752 10 Stem 770737 11 Bonnet 751044 12 Inner Diaphragm Guide 763765 13 Nut 754265 14 Packing 755461 15 Seal Retainer 751680 16 - Actuator Type 80 Spare Parts
Part Part Number Diagram Key Packing 755461 1 O-Ring 750277 2 Bushing 750028 3 O-Ring 755388 4 Spacer 750007 5 Seal Retainer 751680 6 Cylinder Assembly 750684 7 Retainer 750684 8 O-Ring 755537 9 End Cap 750638 10 Cover Plate 750635 11 Lock Washer 189962 12 Hex Bolt 180012 13 Adjusting Nut 750621 14 E-Ring 750619 15 Adjusting Nut Cover 750616 16 - 741/741 TR Divert Valve 21, 23, 41, & 43
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (Non TR) 9613990327 9613990327 9613990508 9613990330 9613990333 EPDM (Non TR) 9613990328 9613990328 9613990509 9613990331 9613990334 SFY (Non TR) 9613990329 9613990329 9613990510 9613990332 9613990335 Buna 9613990106 9613990109 9613990112 9613990115 9613990118 EPDM 9613990107 9613990110 9613990113 9613990116 9613990119 SFY 9613990108 9613990111 9613990114 9613990117 9613990120 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key 10/20 Actuator, Long 751681 751681 751681 751681 751391 1L 30 Actuator, Long 751823 751823 751823 751823 751719 1L Mid Position Actuator/Short 750792 750792 750792 750792 N/A 1M 30 Actuator, Short 750043 750043 750043 750043 741987 1S HP Actuator, Short N/A N/A 751994 751994 N/A 1HPS HP Actuator, Long N/A N/A 750496 751496 N/A 1HPL Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 750583 2S Stem Protector, Long N/A N/A N/A N/A 751035 2A Stem Protector O-Ring N/A N/A N/A N/A 750330 2B Stem Protector Spacer N/A N/A N/A N/A 751019 2C Stem Protector, Long 750577 750577 750577 750577 N/A 2L Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 750577 2S Yoke, Long 751684 751684 751684 751684 751901 3L Yoke, Short 750224 750224 750224 750224 751076 3S Seal Retainer 751680 751680 751680 751680 751680 4 V-Packing 755461 755461 755461 755461 755461 5 O-Ring to Replace V-Packing 751232 751232 751232 751232 751232 5A Packing Retainer 751659 751659 751659 751659 751659 6 End Cap 751682 751682 751682 751682 751010 7 Red Caplug 750568 750568 750568 750568 750568 8 Vent Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 181256 9 Lockwasher 189962 189962 189962 189962 189962 10 Screw 189773 189773 189773 189773 189798 11 Screw 189723 189723 189723 189723 189723 12 O-Ring Stem Buna 755370 755370 755370 755370 755452 13 O-Ring Stem EPDM 750132 750132 750132 750132 751956 13 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750077 750077 750077 750077 751957 13 O-Ring 755356 755356 755356 755356 755356 14 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 755388 15 O-Ring 751747 751747 751747 751747 751747 16 Nylon Lock Pin 750338 750338 750338 750338 750338 17 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Clamp 770026 770478 770844 770846 770736 18 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Weld 771004 770824 770784 770833 772221 18 Body Lower, 3 Ports, Clamp 770003 770489 770863 770878 770965 19 Body Lower, 3 Ports, Weld 771059 770464 770815 770814 772672 19 Body Gasket, Buna 750376 750376 750385 750391 755421 20 Body Gasket, EPDM 750383 750383 750390 750400 750686 20 Body Gasket, SFY 750382 750382 750389 750398 750738 20 Clamp 270266 270266 270267 212211 212209 21 Stem, Buna, Long 770241 770244 770247 770250 771509 27L Stem, EPDM, Long 771442 770962 771335 770967 778310 27L Stem, SFY, Long 771177 771169 770785 770809 778311 27L Stem, Buna, Short 770311 770312 770315 770323 N/A 27S Stem, EPDM, Short 770236 771104 771238 771091 N/A 27S Stem, SFY, Short 770070 770811 770850 770823 N/A 27S Stem LP, Buna, Short 773145 773159 773133 773140 N/A 27S Stem LP, EPDM, Short 773147 772835 773136 772833 N/A 27S Stem LP, SFY, Short 773158 9634050983 773142 773142 N/A 27S TR Stem, Long 770259 770263 770265 770267 771506 28L TR Stem, Short 770338 770343 770349 770354 N/A 28S TR Seat, Upper 750943 750943 750947 751268 750906 29U TR Seat, Lower 751525 750943 750947 751268 750906 29L Body Upper, 2 Ports, Clamp 770491 770494 770510 770528 770724 30I Body Upper, 2 Ports, Weld N/A 770506 778372 771533 N/A 30I Body Upper, 3 Ports, Clamp 770493 770504 770517 770530 772719 31I Stem Bushing 763362 763362 763362 763362 762528 32 Seal Retaining Washer 750361 750361 750361 750361 750361 33 - 741/741TR Shut-Off
Service Kits
Type 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (Non TR) 9613990336 9613990339 9613990342 9613990345 9613990348 9613990351 EPDM (Non TR) 9613990337 9613990340 9613990343 9613990346 9613990349 9613990352 SFY (Non TR) 9613990338 9613990341 9613990344 9613990347 9613990350 9613990353 Buna 9613990088 9613990091 9613990094 9613990097 9613990100 9613990103 EPDM 9613990089 9613990092 9613990095 9613990098 9613990101 9613990104 SFY 9613990090 9613990093 9613990096 9613990099 9613990102 9613990105 Spare Parts
Part 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key 10/20 Actuator, Long N/A 751681 751681 751681 751681 751391 1L 30 Actuator, Long N/A 751823 751823 751823 751823 751719 1L 1 Mid Position Actuator, Short N/A 750792 750792 750792 750792 N/A 1 10/20 Actuator, Short 750887 750318 750318 750318 750318 750496 1S 30 Actuator, Short 751906 750043 750043 750043 750043 751987 1S HP Actuator, Short N/A N/A N/A 751994 751994 N/A 1HPS HP Actuator, Long N/A N/A N/A 750496 750496 N/A 1HPL Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 750583 750583 2S Stem Protector, Long N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 751035 2A Stem Protctor O-Ring N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 750330 2B Stem Protector Spacer N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 751019 2C Stem Protector, Long N/A 750577 750577 750577 750577 N/A 2L Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 750583 750577 2S Yoke, Long N/A 751684 751684 751684 751684 751901 3L Yoke, Short 750224 750224 750224 750224 750224 751076 3S Seal Retainer 751680 751680 751680 751680 751680 751680 4 V-Packing 755461 755461 755461 755461 755461 755461 5 O-Ring to Replace V-Packing 751232 751232 751232 751232 751232 751232 5A Packing Retainer 751659 751659 751659 751659 751659 751659 6 End Cap 751682 751682 751682 751682 751682 751010 7 Red Caplug 750568 750568 750568 750568 750568 750568 8 Vent Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 181256 181256 9 Lockwasher 189962 189962 189962 189962 189962 189962 10 Screw 189773 189773 189773 189773 189773 189798 11 Screw 189723 189723 189723 189723 189723 189723 12 O-Ring Stem, Buna 755370 755370 755370 755370 755370 755452 13 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750132 750132 750132 750132 750132 751956 13 O-Ring Stem SFY 750077 750077 750077 750077 750077 751957 13 O-Ring 755356 755356 755356 755356 755356 755356 14 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 755388 755388 15 O-Ring 751747 751747 751747 751747 751747 751747 16 Nylon Lock Pin 750292 750338 750338 750338 750338 750338 17 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Clamp 770475 771196 770026 770478 770844 770736 18 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Weld N/A 771985 770436 778371 771632 N/A 18 Body Lower, 3 Ports, Clamp N/A 770003 770489 770863 770878 773277 19 Body Lower, 3 Ports, Weld N/A N/A 770479 771710 771649 9634047871 19 Body Gasket, Buna 290285 750376 750376 750385 750391 755421 20 Body Gasket, EPDM 290105 750383 750383 750390 750400 750686 20 Body Gasket, SFY 290023 750382 750382 750389 750398 750738 20 Clamp 212196 270266 270266 270267 212211 212209 21 Valve Plug, Buna 771230 770181 770189 770192 770206 771485 22 Valve Plug, EPDM 771470 770134 770959 771466 770958 771492 22 Valve Plug, SFY 770160 770154 770842 770842 770808 771493 22 LP Valve Plug, Buna (USF) N/A 9634050669 9634050670 9634050671 772979 9634050672 22 LP Valve Plug, EDPM (ESF) N/A 773198 773116 773199 773014 773201 22 LP Valve Plug, SFY N/A 773197 773063 773200 773058 773202 22 TR Stem/Seat Assembly 770344 770216 770223 770230 770234 771501 23 TR Snap-On Seat 751524 751525 750943 750947 751268 750906 24 Bonnet 750186 750514 750514 751686 751687 751899 25 Stem Bushing 760277 763361 763361 763361 763361 762507 26 - 761/761 TR Shut-Off 10-30
Service Kits
Type 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (Non TR) 9613990336 9613990339 9613990342 9613990345 9613990348 9613990351 EPDM (Non TR) 9613990337 9613990340 9613990343 9613990346 9613990349 9613990352 SFY (Non TR) 9613990338 9613990341 9613990344 9613990347 9613990350 9613990353 Buna 9613990088 9613990091 9613990094 9613990097 9613990100 9613990103 EPDM 9613990089 9613990092 9613990095 9613990098 9613990101 9613990104 SFY 9613990090 9613990093 9613990096 9613990099 9613990102 9613990105 Spare Parts
Part 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key 10/20 Actuator, Long N/A 751681 751681 751681 751681 751391 1L 30 Actuator, Long N/A 751823 751823 751823 751823 751719 1L Mid Position Actuator, Short N/A 750792 750792 750792 750792 N/A 1M 10/20 Actuator, Short 750887 750318 750318 750318 750318 750496 1S 30 Actuator, Short 751906 750043 750043 750043 750043 751987 1S HP Actuator, Short N/A N/A N/A 751994 751994 N/A 1HPS HP Actuator, Long N/A N/A N/A 750496 750496 N/A 1HPL Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 750583 750583 2S Stem Protector, Long N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 751035 2A Stem Protector, O-Ring N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 750330 2B Stem Protector Spacer N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 751019 2C Stem Protector, Long N/A 750577 750577 750577 750577 N/A 2L Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 750583 750577 2S Yoke, Long N/A 751684 751684 751684 751684 751901 3L Yoke, Short 750224 750224 750224 750224 750224 750176 3S Seal Retainer 751680 751680 751680 751680 751680 751680 4 V-Packing 755461 755461 755461 755461 755461 755461 5 O-Ring to Replace V-Packing 751232 751232 751232 751232 751232 751232 5A Packing Retainer 751659 751659 751659 751659 751659 751659 6 End Cap 751682 751682 751682 751682 751682 751010 7 Red Caplug 750568 750568 750568 750568 750568 750568 8 Vent Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 181256 181256 9 Lockwasher 189962 189962 189962 189962 189962 189962 10 Screw 189773 189773 189773 189773 189773 189798 11 Screw 189723 189723 189723 189723 189723 189723 12 O-Ring Stem, Buna 755370 755370 755370 755370 755370 755452 13 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750132 750132 750132 750132 750132 751956 13 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750077 750077 750077 750077 750077 751957 13 O-Ring 755356 755356 755356 755356 755356 755356 14 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 755388 755388 15 O-Ring 751747 751747 751747 751747 751747 751747 16 Nylon Lock Pin 750292 750338 750338 750338 750338 750338 17 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Clamp 771196 771196 770107 770111 770116 770300 18 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Weld 772330 771004 770824 770784 770833 772221 18 Body Lower, 3 Ports, Clamp 778354 770269 770273 770275 770279 770965 19 Body Lower, 3 Ports, Weld 9634047839 771059 770464 770815 770814 772672 19 Body Gasket, Buna 290285 750376 750376 750385 750391 755421 20 Body Gasket, EPDM 290105 750383 750383 750390 750400 750686 20 Body Gasket, SFY 290023 750382 750382 750389 750398 750738 20 Clamp 212196 270266 270266 270267 212211 212209 21 Valve Plug, Buna 771230 770181 770189 770192 770206 771485 22 Valve Plug, EPDM 771470 770134 770959 771466 770958 771492 22 Valve Plug, SFY 770160 770154 770842 770842 770808 771493 22 LP Valve Plug, Buna (USF) N/A 9634050669 9634050670 9634050671 772979 9634050672 22 LP Valve Plug, EPDM (ESF) N/A 773198 773116 773199 773014 773201 22 LP Valve Plug SFY N/A 773197 773063 773200 773058 773202 22 TR Stem Seat Assembly 770344 770216 770223 770230 770234 771501 23 TR Snap-On Seat 751524 751525 750943 750947 751268 750906 24 Bonnet 750186 750514 750514 751686 751687 751899 25 Stem Bushing 760277 753361 763361 763361 763361 762507 26 - 761/761TR Divert Valve 21, 23, 41, & 43
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (Non TR) 9613990327 9613990327 9613990508 9613990330 9613990333 EPDM (Non TR) 9613990328 9613990328 9613990509 9613990331 9613990334 SFY (Non TR) 9613990329 9613990329 9613990510 9613990332 9613990335 Buna 9613990106 9613990109 9613990112 9613990115 9613990118 EPDM 9613990107 9613990110 9613990113 9613990116 9613990119 SFY 9613990108 9613990111 9613990114 9613990117 9613990120 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key 10/20 Actuator, Long 751681 751681 751681 751681 751391 1L 30 Actuator, Long 751823 751823 751823 751823 751719 1L Mid Position, Actuator, Short 750792 750792 750792 750792 N/A 1M 10/20 Actuator, Short 750318 750318 750318 750318 750496 1S 30 Actuator, Short 750043 750043 750043 750043 751987 1S HP Actuator, Short N/A N/A 751994 751994 N/A 1HPS HP Actuator, Long N/A N/A 750496 750496 N/A 1HPL Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 750583 2S Stem Protector, Long N/A N/A N/A N/A 751035 2A Stem Protector O-Ring N/A N/A N/A N/A 750330 2B Stem Protector Spacer N/A N/A N/A N/A 751019 2C Stem Protector, Long 750577 750577 750577 750577 N/A 2L Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 750577 2S Yoke, Long 751684 751684 751684 751684 751901 3L Yoke, Short 750224 750224 750224 750224 751076 3S Seal Retainer 751680 751680 751680 751680 751680 4 V-Packing 755461 755461 755461 755461 755461 5 O-Ring to Replace V-Packing 751232 751232 751232 751232 751232 5A Packing Retainer 751659 751659 751659 751659 751659 6 End Cap 751682 751682 751682 751682 751010 7 Red Caplug 750568 750568 750568 750568 750568 8 Vent Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 181256 9 Lockwasher 189962 189962 189962 189962 189962 10 Screw 189773 189773 189773 189773 189798 11 Screw 189723 189723 189723 189723 189723 12 O-Ring Stem, Buna 755370 755370 755370 755370 755452 13 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750132 750132 750132 750132 751956 13 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750077 750077 750077 750077 751957 13 O-Ring 755356 755356 755356 755356 755356 14 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 755388 15 O-Ring 751747 751747 751747 751747 751747 16 Nylon Lock Pin 750338 750338 750338 750338 750338 17 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Clamp 770106 770107 770111 770116 770300 18 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Weld 771004 770824 770784 770833 772221 18 Body Lower, 3 Ports, Clamp 770269 770273 770275 770279 770965 19 Body Lower, 3 Ports, Weld 771059 770464 770815 770814 772672 19 Body Gasket, Buna 750376 750376 750385 750391 755421 20 Body Gasket, EPDM 750383 750383 750390 750400 750686 20 Body Gasket, SFY 750382 750382 750389 750398 750738 20 Clamp 270266 270266 270267 212211 212209 21 Stem, Buna, Long 770241 770244 770247 770250 771509 27L Stem, EPDM, Long 771442 770962 771335 770967 778310 27L Stem, SFY, Long 771177 771169 770785 770809 778311 27L Stem, Buna, Short 770311 770312 770315 770323 N/A 27S Stem, EPDM, Short 770236 771104 771238 771091 N/A 27S Stem, SFY, Short 770070 770811 770850 770823 N/A 27S Stem, LP, Buna, Short 773145 773159 773133 773140 N/A 27S Stem, LP, EPDM, Short 773147 772835 773136 772833 N/A 27S Stem, LP, SFY, Short 773158 9634050983 773142 773142 N/A 27S TR Stem, Long 770259 770263 770265 770267 771506 28L TR Stem, Short 770338 770343 770349 770354 N/A 28S TR Seat, Upper 750943 750943 750947 751268 750906 29U TR Seat, Lower 751525 750943 750947 751268 750906 29L Body Upper, 2 Ports, Clamp 770119 770120 770121 770122 771510 30 Body Upper, 2 Ports, Weld 771156 770827 770115 771155 771513 30 Body Upper, 3 Ports, Clamp 770304 770307 770308 770309 771715 31 Body Upper, 3 Ports, Weld 770869 771296 771651 771184 771818 31 Stem Bushing 763362 763362 763362 763362 762528 32 Seal Retaining Washer 750361 750361 750361 750361 750361 33 - 761 Y-Body
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna 9613990354 9613990357 9613990360 9613990363 9613990366 EPDM 9613990355 9613990358 9613990361 9613990364 9613990367 SFY 9613990356 9613990359 9613990362 9613990365 9613990368 Spare Parts
- 761/761 TR Reverse Acting Valve 27, 47
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (Non TR) 9613990327 9613990327 9613990508 9613990330 9613990333 EPDM (Non TR) 9613990328 9613990328 9613990509 9613990331 9613990334 SFY (Non TR) 9613990329 9613990329 9613990510 9613990332 9613990335 Buna 9613990106 9613990109 9613990112 9613990115 9613990118 EPDM 9613990107 9613990110 9613990113 9613990116 9613990119 SFY 9613990108 9613990111 9613990114 9613990117 9613990120 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key 10/20 Actuator, Long 751681 751681 751681 751681 751391 1L Mid Position Actuator/Short 750792 750792 750792 750792 N/A 1M 10/20 Actuator, Short 750318 750318 750318 750318 750496 1S Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 750583 2S Stem Protector, Long N/A N/A N/A N/A 751035 2A Stem Protector O-Ring N/A N/A N/A N/A 750330 2B Stem Protector Spacer N/A N/A N/A N/A 751019 2C Stem Protector, Long 750577 750577 750577 750577 N/A 2L Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 750577 2S Yoke, Long 751684 751684 751684 751684 751901 3L Yoke, Short 750224 750224 750224 750224 751076 3S Seal Retainer 751680 751680 751680 751680 751680 4 V-Packing 755461 755461 755461 755461 755461 5 O-Ring to Replace V-Packing 751232 751232 751232 751232 751232 5A Picking Retainer 751659 751659 751659 751659 751659 6 End Cap 751682 751682 751682 751682 751010 7 Red Caplug 750568 750568 750568 750568 750568 8 Vent Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 181256 9 Lockwasher 189962 189962 189962 189962 189962 10 Screw 189773 189773 189773 189773 189798 11 Screw 189723 189723 189723 189723 189723 12 O-Ring Stem, Buna 755370 755370 755370 755370 755452 13 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750132 750132 750132 750132 751956 13 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750077 750077 750077 750077 751957 13 O-Ring 755356 755356 755356 755356 755356 14 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 755388 15 O-Ring 751747 751747 751747 751747 751747 16 Nylon Lock Pin 750338 750338 750338 750338 750338 17 Body Lower 770428 770056 771110 771013 N/A 18A Body Gasket, Buna 750376 750376 750385 750391 755421 20 Body Gasket, EPDM 750383 750383 750390 750400 750686 20 Body Gasket, SFY 750382 750382 750389 750398 750738 20 Clamp 270266 270266 270267 212211 212209 21 Body Upper, 2 Ports, Clamp 770119 770120 770121 770122 N/A 30 Body Upper, 3 Ports, Clamp 770304 770307 770308 770309 N/A 30 Stem Bushing 763362 763362 763362 763362 762528 32 Seal Retaining Washer 750361 750361 750361 750361 750361 33 Stem, Buna, Long (27 & 47) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 34L Stem, Buna, Short (27 & 47) 770001 770001 770090 771015 N/A 34S Stem, EPDM, Short (27 & 47) 771165 771165 9634052386 771583 N/A 34S Stem, SFY, Short (27 & 47) 770641 770641 9634052386 771583 N/A 34S TR Stem, Long (27 & 47) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 35L TR Stem, Short (27 & 47) 770430 770430 771027 771051 N/A 35S TR Stem Seat 751525 750943 750947 751268 N/A 35 - 762 Tank Outlet Valves 13, 21, 22, 57, 58, 123
Service Kits
Type Size 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (Non TR) 21, 22, 57, 58 9613990381 9613990381 9613990384 9613990387 EPDM (Non TR) 21, 22, 57, 58 9613990382 9613990382 9613990385 9613990388 SFY (Non TR) 21, 22, 57, 58 9613990383 9613990383 9631990386 9613990389 Buna (Non TR) 13 & 123 9613990369 9613990372 9613990375 9613990378 EPDM (Non TR) 13 & 123 9613990370 9613990373 9613990376 9613990379 SFY (Non TR) 13 & 123 9613990371 9613990374 9613990377 9613990380 Buna 21, 22, 57, 58 9613990485 9613990488 9613990491 9613990494 EPDM 21, 22, 57, 58 9613990486 9613990489 9613990492 9613990495 SFY 21, 22, 57, 58 9613990487 9613990490 9613990493 9613990496 Buna 13 & 123 9613990315 9613990318 9613990321 9613990324 EPDM 13 & 123 9613990316 9613990319 9613990322 9613990325 SFY 13 & 123 9613990317 9613990320 9613990323 9613990326 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Actuator, Long, 21, 22, 57, 58 751681 751681 751681 751681 1L Actuator, Long, 13 & 123 N/A N/A N/A 751391 1L Actuator, Short 750318 750318 750318 N/A 1S Stem Protector, Long 751681 751681 751681 751681 2L Stem Protector Long, 4" N/A N/A N/A 751031 2A Stem Protector O-Ring, 4" N/A N/A N/A 750330 2B Stem Protector Spacer, 4" N/A N/A N/A 751019 2C Yoke, Long 751684 751684 751684 751684 3L Retainer 751680 751680 751680 751680 4 V-Packing 755461 755461 755461 755461 5 O-Ring to Replace V-Packing 751232 751232 751232 751232 5A Packing Retainer 751659 751659 751659 751659 6 End Cap 751682 751682 751682 751682 7 Red Caplug 750568 750568 750568 750568 8 Vent Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 9 Lockwasher 189962 189962 189962 189962 10 Screw 189773 189773 189773 189773 11 Screw 189723 189723 189723 189723 12 O-Ring Stem, Buna 755370 755370 755370 755452 13 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750132 750132 750132 751956 13 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750077 750077 750077 751957 13 O-Ring 755356 755356 755356 755356 14 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 15 O-Ring 755472 755472 755472 755472 16 Nylon Lock Pin 750338 750338 750338 750338 17 Body Gasket, Buna, 13 & 123 750376 750385 750391 755421 20 Body Gasket, EPDM, 13 & 123 750383 750390 750400 750686 20 Body Gasket, SFY, 13 & 123 750382 750389 750389 750738 20 Clamp 13 & 123 270266 270267 212211 212209 21 Clamp 21, 22, 57, 58 212208 212208 212209 212209 21 Valve Plug, Buna, 21, 22, 57, 58 770435 77142 771056 771199 22 Valve Plug, EPDM, 21, 22, 57, 58 771907 772872 771825 772565 22 Valve Plug, SFY, 21, 22, 57, 58 770891 770211 770382 318685 22 TR Valve Plug, 21, 22, 57, 58 772981 773222 772789 772866 22 Valve Plug, Buna, 13 & 123 770189 770192 770205 771485 22 Valve Plug, EPDM, 13 & 123 770959 771466 770958 771492 22 Valve Plug, SFY, 13 & 123 770865 770842 770808 771493 22 LP Valve Plug, Buna, 13 & 123 9634050670 9634050671 772979 9634050672 22 LP Valve Plug, EPDM, 13 & 123 773116 773199 773014 773201 22 LP Valve Plug, SFY, 13 & 123 773063 773200 773058 773202 22 TR Valve Plug 13 & 123 770223 770230 770234 771501 22 TR Snap on Seat 750943 750947 751268 750906 24 Bonnet, 13 & 123 750514 751686 751687 751899 25 Split Bushing, 13 & 123 763361 763361 763361 762507 26 Valve Body 13 771285 N/A 770650 N/A 30 Valve Body, 21 773525 773526 773527 770532 30 Valve Body, 22 771676 771677 771678 N/A 30 Valve Body, 57 770415 770723 770928 778316 30 Valve Body, 58 770418 772413 770417 770440 30 Valve Body, 123 771000 770368 770021 9634053363 30 Split Bushing, 21, 22, 57, 58 763361 763361 763361 762507 32 Retainer, 21, 22, 57, 58 9634053630 9634053630 9634053630 769928 33 Tank Ferrule, 21 761580 761580 760938 760938 39 Tank Ferrule, 22, 57, 58 762284 762284 760948 760948 39 - 762 Kettle Valves 29, 31, 33, 35
Service Kits
Type Size 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (Non TR) 29, 33 9613990309 9613990309 9613990309 9613990312 EPDM (Non TR) 29, 33 9613990310 9613990310 9613990310 9613990313 SFY (Non TR) 29, 33 9613990311 9613990311 9613990311 9613990314 Buna (Non TR) 31, 35 9613990381 9613990381 9613990384 9613990388 EPDM (Non TR) 31, 35 9613990382 9613990382 9613990385 9613990388 SFY (Non TR) 31, 35 9613990383 9613990383 9613990386 9613990389 Buna 29, 33 9613990297 9613990300 9613990303 9613990306 EPDM 29, 33 9613990298 9613990301 9613990304 9613990307 SFY 29, 33 9613990299 9613990302 9613990305 9613990308 Buna 31, 35 9613990485 9613990488 9613990491 9613990494 EPDM 31, 35 9613990486 9613990489 9613990492 9613990495 SFY 31, 35 9613990487 9613990490 9613990493 9613990496 Spare Parts
- 762 Tangential Valves 47, 48, 50, 51, 52
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (Non TR) 9613990369 9613990372 9613990375 9613990378 EPDM (Non TR) 9613990370 9613990373 9613990376 9613990379 SFY (Non TR) 9613990371 9613990374 9613990377 9613990380 Buna 9613990315 9613990318 9613990321 9613990324 EPDM 9613990316 9613990319 9613990322 9613990325 SFY 9613990317 9613990320 9613990323 9613990326 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Actuator, Long 751681 751681 751681 751391 1L Actuator, Short 750318 750318 750318 N/A 1S Stem Protector, Long 751681 751681 751681 751681 2L Stem Protector, Long, 4" N/A N/A N/A 751035 2A Stem Protector, O-Ring, 4" N/A N/A N/A 750330 2B Stem Protector, Spacer, 4" N/A N/A N/A 751019 2C Yoke, Long 751684 751684 751684 751684 3L Retainer 751680 751680 751680 751680 4 V-Packing 755461 755461 755461 755461 5 O-Ring to Replace V-Packing 751232 751232 751232 751232 5A Packing Retainer 751659 751659 751659 751659 6 End Cap 751682 751682 751682 751682 7 Red Caplug 750568 750568 750568 750568 8 Vent Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 9 Lockwasher 189962 189962 189962 189962 10 Screw 189773 189773 189773 189773 11 Screw 189723 189723 189723 189723 12 O-Ring Stem, Buna 755370 755370 755370 755452 13 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750132 750132 750132 751956 13 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750077 750077 750077 751957 13 O-Ring 755356 755356 755356 755356 14 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 15 O-Ring 755472 755472 755472 755472 16 Nylon Lock Pin 750338 750338 750338 750338 17 Gasket, Buna 750376 750385 750391 755421 20 Gasket, EPDM 750383 750382 750389 750686 20 Gasket, SFY 750382 750389 750398 750686 20 Clamp 270266 270267 212211 212209 21 Valve Plug, Buna 770984 770987 770835 771485 22 Valve Plug, EPDM 771168 771585 771569 771492 22 Valve Plug, SFY 770995 770791 770854 771493 22 LP Valve Plug, Buna 9634050673 9634050674 9634050675 9634050672 22 LP Valve Plug, EPDM 773244 773246 773247 773201 22 LP Valve Plug, SFY 773243 773245 773248 773202 22 TR Valve Plug 770433 771269 771185 771501 23 TR Stem Seat 750943 750947 751268 750906 24 Bonnet 750514 751686 751687 751899 25 Bushing 763361 763361 763361 762507 26 Valve Body, 47 771026 771032 771024 771366 30 Valve Body, 48 770981 770985 770973 771370 30 Valve Body, 49 771497 771499 771500 N/A 30 Valve Body, 50 771494 771495 771496 N/A 30 Valve Body, 51 770770 771223 770385 771380 30 Valve Body, 52 772399 772400 772401 772868 30 - 762-227M Flow Diversion Valve
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 Buna 9613990327 9613990327 9613990508 9613990330 EPDM 9613990328 9613990328 9613990509 9613990331 SFY 9613990329 9613990329 9613990510 9613990332 Note: 2 service kits required per valve.
Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 Diagram Key Lower Body 770106 770107 770111 770116 1 Valve Plug, Buna 770311 770312 770315 770323 2 Valve Plug, EPDM 770236 771104 771238 771091 2 Valve Plug, SFY 770070 770811 770850 770823 2 TR Valve Plug 770338 770343 770349 770354 2 Body Gasket, Buna 750376 750376 750385 750391 3 Body Gasket, EPDM 750383 750383 750390 750400 3 Body Gasket, SFY 750382 750382 750389 750398 3 Clamp 270266 20266 270267 212211 4 Upper Body 770119 770120 770121 770122 5 O-Ring Stem, Buna 755370 755370 755370 755370 6 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750132 750132 750132 750132 6 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750077 750077 750077 750077 6 Bushing 763362 763362 763362 763362 7 Yoke 750224 750224 750224 750224 8 Screw 189773 189773 189773 189773 9 Lockwasher 189962 189962 189962 189962 10 Actuator 750201 750201 750201 750201 11 Packing Retainer 751659 751659 751659 751659 12 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 13 Seal Washer 750361 750361 750361 750361 14 Vented Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 15 Gasket, Buna 298452 298453 298454 298455 16 Gasket, EPDM 290044 290043 290048 290036 16 Gasket, SFY 290022 290030 290040 290049 16 Clamp 212195 212196 212197 212198 17 - 762 227 MRAL Flow Diversion Valve
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 4 Buna 9613990390 9613990393 9613990396 9613990399 EPDM 9613990391 9613990394 9613990397 9613990400 SFY 9613990392 9613990395 9613990398 9613990401 Spare Parts
- 771S Throttling Shut-Off 10-30
Service Kits
Seal Type 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna 9613990336 9613990339 9613990342 9613990345 9613990348 9613990351 EPDM 9613990337 9613990340 9613990343 9613990346 9613990349 9613990352 SFY 9613990338 9613990341 9613990344 9613990347 9613990350 9613990353 Spare Parts
- 771S Divert Valve 21, 41
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna 9613990327 9613990327 9613990508 9613990330 9613990333 EPDM 9613990328 9613990328 9613990509 9613990331 9613990334 SFY 9613990329 9613990329 9613990510 9613990332 9613990335 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Diaphragm Actuator 750397 750397 750397 750397 N/A 1D Mid Position Actuator 750792 750792 750792 750792 N/A 1M 10/20 Actuator, Short 750318 750318 750318 750318 N/A 1S Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 N/A 2S Yoke, Short 750224 750224 750224 750224 N/A 3S Seal Retainer 751680 751680 751680 751680 751680 4 Vee Packing 755461 755461 755461 755461 755461 5 O-Ring to Replace V-Packing 751232 751232 751232 751232 751232 5A Packing Retainer 751659 751659 751659 751659 751659 6 End Cap 751682 751682 751682 751682 751010 7 Red Caplug 750568 750568 750568 750568 750568 8 Vent Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 181256 9 Lockwasher 189962 189962 189962 189962 189962 10 Screw 189773 189773 189773 189773 189798 11 Screw 189723 189723 189723 189723 189723 12 O-Ring Stem, Buna 755370 755370 755370 755370 755452 13 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750132 750132 750132 750132 751956 13 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750077 750077 750077 750077 751957 13 O-Ring 755356 755356 755356 755356 755356 14 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 755388 15 O-Ring 755472 755472 755472 755472 755472 16 Nylon Lock Pin 750338 750338 750338 750338 750338 17 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Clamp 770106 770107 770111 770116 770300 18 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Weld 771004 770824 770784 770833 772221 18 Body Lower, 3 Ports, Clamp 770269 770273 770275 770279 770965 19 Body Lower, 3 Ports, Weld 771059 770464 770815 770814 772672 19 Body Gasket, Buna 750376 750376 750385 750391 755421 20 Body Gasket, EPDM 750383 750383 750390 750400 751799 20 Body Gasket, SFY 750382 750382 750389 750398 750209 20 Clamp 270266 270266 270267 212211 212209 21 Valve Plug 770455 771587 771293 771576 N/A 27 Body Upper, 2 Ports, Clamp 770119 770120 770121 770122 771510 30 Body Upper, 2 Ports, Weld 771156 770827 770115 771155 771513 30 Body Upper, 3 Ports, Clamp 770304 770307 770308 770309 771715 31 Body Upper, 3 Ports, Weld 770869 771296 771651 771184 771818 31 Stem Bushing 763362 763362 763362 763362 762528 32 Seal Retaining Washer 750361 750361 750361 750361 751960 33 - 771S Reverse Acting Valve 27-47
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna 9613990327 9613990327 9613990508 9613990330 9613990333 EPDM 9613990328 9613990328 9613990509 9613990331 9613990334 SFY 9613990329 9613990329 9613990510 9613990332 9613990335 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Diaphragm Actuator 750397 950397 750397 750397 N/A 1D Mid Position Actuator 750792 750792 750792 750792 N/A 1M 10/20 Actuator, Short 750318 750318 750318 750318 N/A 1S Stem Protector, Short 750583 750583 750583 750583 N/A 2S Yoke, Short 750224 750224 750224 750224 N/A 3S Seal Retainer 751680 751680 751680 751680 751680 4 Vee Packing 755461 755461 755461 755461 755461 5 O-Ring to Replace V-Packing 751232 751232 751232 751232 751232 5A Packing Retainer 751659 751659 751659 751659 751659 6 End Cap 751682 751682 751682 751682 751010 7 Red Caplug 750568 750568 750568 750568 750568 8 Vent Plug 1811256 181256 181256 181256 181256 9 Lockwasher 189962 189962 189962 189962 189962 10 Screw 189773 189773 189773 189773 189798 11 Screw 189723 189723 189723 189723 189723 12 O-Ring Stem, Buna 755370 755370 755370 755370 755452 13 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750132 750132 750132 750132 751956 13 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750077 750077 750077 750077 751957 13 O-Ring 755356 755356 755356 755356 755356 14 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 755388 15 O-Ring 755472 755472 755472 755472 755472 16 Nylon Lock Pin 750338 750338 750338 750338 750338 17 Body Lower, 2 Ports, Clamp 770106 770107 770111 770116 770300 18A Body lower, 2 Ports, Weld N/A 771297 318491 771611 N/A 18A Body Gasket, Buna 750376 750376 750385 750391 755421 20 Body Gasket, EPDM 750383 750383 750390 750400 751799 20 Body Gasket, SFY 750382 750382 750389 750398 750209 20 Clamp 270266 270266 270267 212211 212209 21 Body Upper, 2 Ports, Clamp 770119 770120 770121 770122 771510 30 Body Upper, 2 Ports, Weld 771156 770827 770115 771155 771513 30 Body Upper, 3 Ports, Clamp 770304 770307 770308 770309 771715 31 Body Upper, 3 Ports, Weld 770869 771296 771651 771184 771818 31 Stem Bushing 763362 763362 763362 763362 762528 32 Seal Retaining Washer 750361 750361 750361 750361 751960 33 Valve Plug 771154 771154 772403 770992 N/A 34
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