This product is no longer offered by this manufacturer.
Tri-Clover® 100 & 200 Series Valves
The original 100 and 200 Series seat valves, including 241 and 161 valves, are a legacy valve series originally manufactured by Tri-Clover®, now Alfa Laval. The majority of these valves are no longer manufactured by Alfa Laval. However, many genuine OEM spare parts are available for the entire valve series.
This valve series included a variety of models and valve types. The 161 line included both shut-off and divert style valve bodies, with either a normally open or normally closed actuator. 241 and 262 models comprised several tank and kettle style valve bodies. The 171 line of throttling valves included both the air-actuated throttling valves and the 171-10M-90 micrometer valve, a manual valve with a fine adjustment knob. The 171-10M-90 micrometer valve continues to be manufactured by Alfa Laval.
Also in the 200 series of valves was the 262-121 Flo-Diversion valve. This valve, as well as the later 762-121 and 762-227 Flo-Diversion valves, are used in dairies for controlling product flow in HTST pasteurization systems.
- 161
- 161OY
- 162
- 171
- 171OY
- 241
- 262
- 262-121

While these complete valves are no longer manufactured, parts lists and other documentation appear below.
Product Resources
See all resources by Alfa LavalSpare Parts
- 262-121 Flow Diversion Valve
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 Buna 9613990172 9613990175 9613990179 9613990181 EDPM 9613990173 9613990176 9613990179 9613990182 SFY 9613990174 9613990177 9613990180 9613990183 Spare Parts
- 262 Tank Ferrules
Part 2 2.5 3 4 Ferrule for 262-21 761580 761580 760938 760938 Ferrule for 262-22 762284 762284 760948 760948 Ferrule for 262-29 760766 760766 760837 760837 Ferrule for 262-31 760928 760928 760345 760345 Ferrule for 262-33 760766 760766 760837 760837 Ferrule for 262-35 760928 760928 760345 760345 Ferrule for 262-57 762284 762284 760948 760948 Ferrule for 262-58 762284 762284 760948 760948 - 262 Kettle Valve
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 4 Buna 9613990276 9613990279 9613990282 9613990285 EPDM 9613990277 9613990280 9613990283 9613990286 SFY 9613990278 9613990281 9613990284 9613990287 Buna (For 262-28 & 32) 9613990255 9613990258 9613990261 9613990264 EPDM (For 262-28 & 32) 9613990256 9613990259 9613990262 9613990265 SFY (For 262-28 & 32) 9613990257 9613990260 9613990263 9613990266 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Actuator 750799 750799 750799 750799 1 Actuator Clamp 212196 212196 212196 2 Valve Body, 262-20a 771263 771959 770757 770566 4 Valve Body, 262-24a 772681 N/A N/A N/A 5 Valve Body, 262-28a 771344 771953 770826 770564 6 Valve Body, 262-32 772625 N/A 772696 773161 7 Valve Body, 262-55a N/A 772113 770936 N/A 8 Valve Body, 262-56a N/A 771936 771906 N/A 9 O-Ring Stem, Buna 755351 755357 755357 755370 10 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750036 750037 750037 750132 10 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750172 750173 750173 750077 10 Valve Plug, Buna 770133 770334 770451 770458 11 Valve Plug, EPDM 771859 770085 772679 9634050278 11 Valve Plug, SFY 770033 772331 771801 770206 11 Coupler Nut N/A N/A N/A 180440 11a Body Gasket, Buna 755418 755418 755421 755421 12 Body Gasket, EPDM 750811 750811 750686 750686 12 Body Gasket, SFY 750609 750609 750738 750738 12 Body Gasket, Buna (for 262-28 & 32) 755423 755423 755423 755453 13 Body Gasket, EPDM (for 262-28 & 32) 750949 750949 750949 9634051854 13 Body Gasket, SFY (for 262-28 & 32) 750123 750123 750123 751443 13 Body Clamp for 262-16, 20, 24, 55, 56 212208 212208 212209 212209 14 Nut for 262-28 & 32 754288 754288 754288 754288 15 Clamp for 262-28 & 32 755057 755057 755057 755057 16 - 262 Tank Outlet Valve
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 Buna 9613990267 9613990270 9613990273 EPDM 9613990268 9613990271 9613990274 SFY 9613990269 9613990272 9613990275 Buna (TR) 9613990288 9613990291 9613990294 EPDM (TR) 9613990289 9613990292 9613990295 SFY (TR) 9613990290 9613990293 9613990296 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 Diagram Key Valve Body, 262-47 770169 770224 771848 1 Valve Body, 262-48 771782 772232 771847 1 Valve Body, 262-49 771895 772288 771993 1 Valve Body, 262-50 772150 771886 771983 1 Valve Body, 262-13 771274 771861 771968 1 Valve Body, 262-123 771630 771873 771817 1 Valve Body, 262-51 770719 770112 772965 1a Body Clamp 270266 270267 212211 2 Body Gasket, Buna 755417 755419 755420 3 Body Gasket, EPDM 751799 750812 750322 3 Body Gasket, SFY 750209 750210 750610 3 Valve Plug, 262-47 & 52, Buna 771249 771680 771682 4 Valve Plug, 262-47 & 52, EPDM 771264 N/A 772089 4 Valve Plug, 262-47 & 52, SFY 771981 772291 770177 4 Valve Plug, 262-13 & 123, Buna 776530 776553 776652 4 Valve Plug, 262-13 & 123, EPDM 770720 770730 771880 4 Valve Plug, 262-13 & 123, SFY 770274 771925 771708 4 TR Valve Plug 778356 778358 770721 4a TR Snap On Seat 750943 750947 751268 4b O-Ring Stem, Buna 755351 755357 755357 5 O-Ring Stem, EPDM 750036 750037 750037 5 O-Ring Stem, SFY 750172 750173 750173 5 Valve Bonnet 754040 754054 754038 6 Actuator Clamp 212196 212196 212196 7 Actuator Type 210 750799 750799 750799 8 - 241 Divert Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 Valve Plug, Buna 776884 776685 772040 770819 Valve Plug, EPDM N/A 772046 772001 772155 Valve Plug, SFY 772957 772115 772148 772107 Valve Plug, TR 770657 770660 770671 770678 Body O-Ring, Buna 755469 755470 755471 755472 Body O-Ring, EPDM 750134 750214 750304 750215 Body O-Ring, SFY 751544 751545 751546 751547 Body Clamp 755035 755036 755037 755038 O-Ring, Buna 755474 750216 755470 755471 Body Clamp 755035 755036 755037 755038 - 262 Actuator 25-262-210-S/25-262-220-S
Part Part Number Service Kit 9613990037 Cylinder
750846 Air Coupler Adapter
764098 Nut
189923 Lockwasher
189971 Piston
767870 Vee Block Packing
755460 Felt Seal
755464 Spring Assembly
750832 O-Ring
296608 Bonnet
753826 Retaining Ring
755090 Vee Block Packing
755461 Bushing
764751 O-Ring
755388 Stem
750605 Coupler
764241 Vented Plug
181256 - 241 Actuator Type 10 & 20 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 Service Kit 9613990038 9613990038 9613990039 9613990039 Vented Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 Nut 189923 189923 189923 189923 Lockwasher 189971 189971 189971 189971 Spring Assembly Shut Off 3103763 3103763 750832 750833 Spring Assembly Divert 3103763 3103763 750833 759550 Vee Block Packing 755460 755460 755460 755460 Flet Seal 755464 755464 755464 755464 Piston 767870 767870 767870 767870 O-Ring 296608 296608 296608 296608 Air Coupler Adaptor 764098 764098 764098 764098 O-Ring 755357 755357 755370 755370 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 Coupler Stud 778186 778186 778186 778186 Coupler 764241 764241 764241 764241 - Type 15 Actuator
Service Kits
Part Part Number Service Kit 9613990042 Spare Parts
Part Part Number Diagram Key Actuator Body Cylinder 750032 1 Air Coupler Adapter 764249 2 Gasket 755451 3 Sealing Nut 754328 4 Outer Diaphragm Clamp/Retainer 763805 5 Diaphragm 763501 7 Top Diaphragm Clamp/Retainer 763515 8 Inner Diaphragm Clamp/Retainer 763753 9 Nut-Retainer Assembly 754265 10 Washer 754797 11 Coupler 764240 12 Compression Spring 750752 13 Bonnet 750428 14 Vented Plug 181256 15 O-Ring 755353 16 - 171 & 171OY Divert Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Lower Body Models 21 & 41 771323 771423 771443 771463 770300 1 Lower Body Models 23 & 43 771447 772808 771176 N/A 770965 2 Valve Plug 770161 775787 775792 770305 N/A 3b Body Gasket, Buna 755415 755416 755417 755418 755421 4 Body Gasket, EPDM 750157 750062 751799 750811 750686 4 Body Gasket, SFY 750667 750497 750209 750609 750738 4 Body Clamp 212205 212206 212207 212208 212209 5 Stem O-Ring, Buna 755351 755351 755357 755357 300543 8 Stem O-Ring, EPDM 750036 750036 750037 750037 300016 8 Stem O-Ring, SFY 750172 750172 750173 750173 300061 8 Bonnet O-Ring, Buna 755357 755357 755370 755370 755370 9 Bonnet O-Ring, EPDM 750037 750037 750132 750132 750132 9 Bonnet O-Ring, SFY 750173 750173 750077 750077 750077 9 Ss Washer 754781 754781 754776 754776 754776 10 Actuator Clamp 212196 212196 212196 212196 212196 11 Open Yoke 751698 751698 N/A N/A N/A 13 OY Stem O-Ring, Buna 755388 755388 755542 755542 N/A 14 OY Stem O-Ring, EPDM 750004 750004 750728 750728 N/A 14 OY Stem O-Ring, SFY 750084 750084 751715 751715 N/A 14 - 171 & 171OY Divert Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (171) 9613990184 9613990187 9613990190 9613990193 9613990196 EPDM (171) 9613990185 9913990188 9613990191 9613990194 9613990197 SFY (171) 9613990186 9613990189 9613990192 9613990195 9613990198 Buna (171OY) 9613990199 9613990202 9613990205 9613990208 9613990211 EPDM (171OY) 9613990200 9613990203 9613990206 9613990209 9613990212 SFY (171OY) 9613990201 9612990204 9613990207 9613990210 9613990213 - 171 & 171OY Throttling Spare Parts
- 241 Shut Off Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 Diagram Key Valve Plug, Buna 770074 776630 772039 770797 3 Valve Plug, EPDM N/A 771660 771219 772366 3 Valve Plug, SFY 772247 772020 772149 772053 3 Valve Plug, TR 770624 770627 770628 770634 3 Body O-Ring, Buna 755469 755470 755471 755472 4 Body O-Ring, EPDM 750134 750214 750304 750215 4 Body O-Ring, SFY 751544 751545 751546 751547 4 Body Clamp 755035 755036 755037 755038 5 - 161 & 171 Shut Off & Divert Actuators
Service Kits
Part Part Number Service Kit 9613990040 Spare Parts
Part Shut Off 1, 1.5, 2 Shut Off 2.5, 3 Divert 1.5, 2 Shut Off & Divert 4 Divert 3, 4 Diagram Key Actuator Type 10 751170 751184 751185 751186 751187 16 Actuator Type 20 751168 751188 751189 751190 751131 16 Actuator Body Cylinder 750846 750896 750983 750984 750985 1 Air Coupler Adapter 764098 764098 764098 764098 764098 2 Nut 189923 189923 189923 189923 189923 3 Lockwasher 189971 189971 189971 789971 189971 4 Spring Assembly 750832 750833 750834 750835 750836 5 Vee Block Packing 755460 755460 755460 755460 755460 6 Felt Seal 755464 755464 755464 755464 755464 7 Piston 767870 767870 767870 767870 767870 8 O-Ring 296608 296608 296608 296608 296608 9 Bonnet 753824 753824 753824 753824 753824 10 Vented Plug 181256 181256 181256 181256 181256 11 O-Ring 755353 755353 755353 755353 755353 12 O-Ring 755388 755388 755388 755388 755388 13 Coupler Stud 778186 778186 778186 778186 778186 14 Coupler 764241 764241 764241 764241 764241 15 - 171 & 171OY Throttling Service Kits
Type 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (171) 9613990184 9613990184 9613990187 9613990190 9613990193 9613990196 EPDM (171) 9613990185 9613990185 9913990188 9613990191 9613990194 9613990197 SFY (171) 9613990186 9613990186 9613990189 9613990192 9613990195 9613990198 Buna (171OY) 9613990199 9613990199 9613990202 9613990205 9613990208 9613990211 EPDM (1701OY) 9613990200 9613990200 9613990203 9613990206 9613990209 9613990212 SFY (171OY) 9613990201 9613990201 9612990204 9613990207 9613990210 9613990213 - 161 & 161OY-90 Body Shut Off Spare Parts
Part 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Diagram Key Valve "Y" Body 621066 622268 623368 620754 1 Valve Plug Assembly, Buna 770333 770515 770472 772074 778257 770712 2 Valve Plug Assembly, EPDM N/A 771354 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 Valve Plug Assembly, SFY N/A 770829 772447 772927 772051 772106 2 OY Valve Plug Assembly, Buna N/A 770592 771812 770031 773117 773167 2a OY Valve Plug Assembly, EPDM N/A N/A 770129 N/A N/A N/A 2a OY Valve Plug Assembly, SFY N/A N/A 770153 770926 770054 N/A 2a Body Gasket, Buna 299317 298454 298455 298456
298360 299320 3 Body Gasket, EPDM N/A 290036 290018 290037 290315 3 Body Gasket, SFY 290015 290040 290049 290053 9634049347 290225 3 Body Clamp N/A 212206 212207 755114 270085 4 O-Ring, Valve Plug Stem, Buna 755351 755351 755351 755357 755357 755357 5 O-Ring, Valve Plug Stem, EPDM 750036 750036 750036 750037 750037 750037 5 O-Ring, Valve Plug Stem, SFY 750172 750172 750172 750173 750173 750173 5 OY O-Ring, Valve Plug Stem, Buna 755388 755388 755388 755542 755542 755542 5a OY O-Ring, Valve Plug Stem, EPDM
750004 750004 750004 750728 750728 750728 5a OY O-Ring, Valve Plug Stem, SFY 750084 750084 750084 751715 751715 751715 5a Valve Bonnet N/A N/A 754244 750761 753782 N/A 6 Actuator Clamp 212196 212196 212196 212196 212196 212196 7 Stainless Steel Washer 754781 754781 754781 754776 754776 754776 8 O-Ring, Valve Bonnet, Buna 755357 755357 755357 755370 755370 755370 9 O-Ring, Valve Bonnet, EPDM 755037 755037 755037 750132 750132 750132 9 O-Ring, Valve Bonnet, SFY 750173 750173 750173 750077 750077 750077 9 Actuator Type 10 N/A 751170 751185 751186 751187 N/A 10 Actuator Type 20 751196 751168 751189 N/A N/A N/A 10 Actuator Type 30 N/A 759348 751274 N/A 751130 751191 10 Yoke OY 751698 751698 751698 N/A N/A N/A 11 - 161 & 161OY-90 Body Shut Off Service Kits
Type 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (161) 9613990232 9613990235 9613990238 9613990241 9613990244 9613990247 EPDM (161) 9613990233 9613990236 9913990239 9613990242 9613990245 9613990248 SFY (161) 9613990234 9613990237 9613990240 9613990243 9613990246 9613990249 Buna (161OY) 9613990214 9613990217 9613990220 9613990223 9613990226 9613990229 EPDM (161OY) 9613990215 9613990218 9613990221 9613990224 9613990227 9613990230 SFY (161OY) 9613990216 9613990219 9613990222 9613990225 9613990228 9613990231 - 161 & 161OY Divert Spare Parts
- 161 & 161OY Divert Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (161) 9613990184 9613990187 9613990190 9613990193 9613990196 EPDM (161) 9613990185 9613990188 9613990191 9613990194 9613990197 SFY (161) 9613990186 9613990203 9613990206 9613990209 9613990212 Buna (161OY) 9613990199 9613990202 9613990205 9613990208 9613990211 EPDM (161OY) 9613990200 9613990203 9613990206 9613990209 9613990212 SFY (161OY) 9613990201 9613990204 9613990207 9613990210 9613990213 - 171-10M-90 Micrometer Spare Parts
Part 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Diagram Key Body 770405 771323 771423 771443 771463 1 Valve Stem 771749 770051 770052 770104 771982 2 Body Gasket, Buna 755415 755415 755416 755417 755418 3 Body Gasket, EPDM 750157 750157 750062 751799 750811 3 Body Gasket, SFY 750667 750667 750497 750209 750609 3 Clamp 212205 212205 212206 212207 212208 4 O-Ring, Buna 755351 755351 755351 755357 755357 5 O-Ring, EPDM 750036 750036 750036 750037 750037 5 O-Ring, SFY 750172 750172 750172 750173 750173 5 Bonnet 750012 750012 750014 750700 750953 6 Clip 628530 628530 628530 628531 628531 7 Knurled Handle 750331 750331 750331 750331 750331 8 Spring 750786 750786 750786 750786 750786 9 Washer 754860 754860 754860 754860 754860 10 Friction Button 758771 758771 758771 758771 758771 11 Threaded Bushing 764757 764757 764757 764757 12 - 171-10M-90 Micrometer Service Kits
Type 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Buna 9613990121 9613990121 9613990124 9613990127 9613990130 EPDM 9613990122 9613990122 9613990125 9613990128 9613990131 SFY 9613990123 9613990123 9613990123 9613990128 9613990132 - 161 & 161OY Shut Off Spare Parts
- 161 & 161OY Shut Off Service Kits
Type 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 Buna (161) 9613990184 9613990184 9613990187 9613990190 9613990193 9613990196 EPDM (161) 9613990185 9613990185 9913990188 9613990191 9613990194 9613990197 SFY (161) 9613990186 9613990186 9613990189 9613990192 9613990195 9613990198 Buna (161OY) 9613990199 9613990199 9613990202 9613990205 9613990208 9613990211 EPDM (161OY) 9613990200 9613990200 9613990203 9613990206 9613990209 9613990212 SFY (161OY) 9613990201 9613990201 9613990204 9613990207 9613990210 9613990213
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