Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof CP-3 Valve
The Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof CP-3 is designed with user flexibility in mind. Configurable for applications in all sanitary industries, including compliance with Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) and 3-A Sanitary Standards for continuous dairy processing, the modular design offers a wide variety of options.

Working Principle
Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof CP-3 is remote-controlled by means of compressed air. The valve is a normally closed (NC) valve. The valve has two independent plug seals, forming a leakage chamber between them under atmospheric pressure during every working condition.
In case of rare accidental leaking of product, this will flow into the leakage chamber and be discharged harmlessly through the leakage outlet, without any threat of product mixing or cross contamination. When the valve is open, the leakage chamber is closed. The product can then flow from one line to the other. The valve can be cleaned and water hammer protected to any level according to the needs in the specific process. There is virtually no spillage of product when operating the valve.
Possible Configurations
The Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof CP-3 offers a wide range of options:
Lower Flush
The Alfa Laval lower flush option ensures clean-in-place (CIP) of the lower sealing element and the OD of the lower plug during seat push. This option efficiently cleans the lower seal in the housing without the need for external CIP connections, supporting continuous processing.
Balancing Flexibility
The Unique Mixproof CP-3 valve has a lower balanced plug to avoid product mix, even in the event of pressure spikes in the system. The upper plug can be configured with or without a balancer, depending on the required performance.
The Alfa Laval SpiralClean system makes it possible to clean the upper and lower plugs and leakage chamber by external CIP connections. The system cleans more efficiently, uses less cleaning fluid by ensuring that a directional flow of CIP fluid reaches all the surfaces in much less time than with conventional systems. Spiral Clean of the leakage chamber is not dependent on a special type of plug configuration, but can be added to any of the available plug configurations.
Size Flexibility
The valve body can be configured with mixed sizes. The body sections can be fully combined, including the full range of 1 1/2 inch through 6 inch sizes.
Seat Lift and Seat Push
Seat lift and seat push enable cleaning of the plug seals of either the upper or lower plug individually. The Unique Mixproof CP-3 range is available in a variety of configurations, including two separate actuator versions. An actuator with both upper seat lift and lower seat push or an actuator without any seat lift/push operations only one period.
Product Wetted Steel Parts | 316L |
Other Steel Parts | 304 |
Product Wetted Seals | EPDM (standard), HNBR, NBR, or FPM |
Other Seals | CIP seals: EPDM Actuator seals: NBR Guide strips: PTFE |
Finish Options | Internal bright (polished) Ra<32µ" Internal/external bright (internal polished) Ra<32µ" |
Note: The Ra values are only for the internal surface.
Technical Data
Product Pressure (max) | 145 psi (for higher pressure, please ask CSI) |
Product Pressure (min) | Full vacuum |
Temperature Range | 23°F - +257°F (depending on seal material) |
Air Pressure | 116 psi |
Dimensional Data
1 1/2 (in) | 2 (in) | 2 1/2 (in) | 3 (in) | 4 (in) | 6 (in) | |
*A | 24.055 | 25.827 | 29.921 | 29.921 | 36.299 | 40.394 |
B | 6.693 | 8.661 | 8.661 | 8.661 | 11.811 | 11.811 |
**C | 2.394 | 2.906 | 3.398 | 3.894 | 4.866 | 6.806 |
OD | 1.496 | 2.008 | 2.500 | 2.996 | 4.000 | 6.000 |
ID | 1.370 | 1.882 | 2.374 | 2.870 | 3.843 | 5.782 |
t | 0.063 | 0.063 | 0.063 | 0.063 | 0.079 | 0.109 |
E | 5.669 | 6.496 | 7.874 | 7.598 | 9.764 | 10.768 |
F1 | 1.240 | 1.240 | 1.496 | 1.496 | 2.323 | 2.323 |
F2 | 0.197 | 0.197 | 0.197 | 0.197 | 0.197 | 0.197 |
øD | 4.724 | 4.724 | 6.181 | 6.181 | 7.323 | 7.323 |
L | 9.055 | 9.055 | 9.921 | 9.921 | 11.063 | 11.063 |
M/Tri-Clamp® | 0.827 | 0.827 | 0.827 | 0.827 | 0.827 | 1.518 |
Weight (lb) | 32 | 35 | 60 | 60 | 84 | 115 |
*For the A-measure, if there are different upper/lower body sizes, please refer to the Configurator in Alfa Laval Anytime or contact CSI.
**The dimension C can always be calculated by the formula C = ½ID-upper + ½ID-lower + 1.02 inches


Note: For the diagrams the following applies: Medium is water (68°F). Measurement is in accordance with VDI 2173.

Product Resources
See all resources by Alfa LavalLiterature
Spare Parts
- Mixproof CP-3 Valve Body and Clamps
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Wing Nut 9612558001 9612558001 9612558001 9612558001 9612558001 961258001 61 Clamp w/o Nut 9613021401 9613021501 9613021601 9613021601 9613021701 9613021801 64 Valve Body, 11-00 9613057121 9615423501 9615423601 9615423701 9615423801 9614295411 50 Valve Body, 12-00 9613057125 9615423505 9615423605 9615423705 9615423805 9614295415 50 Valve Body, 21-00 9613057127 9615423507 9615423607 9615423707 9615423807 9614295417 50 Valve Body, 11-90 9613057122 9615423502 9615423602 9615423802 9615423802 9614295412 50 Valve Body, 12-90 9613057126 9615423506 9615423606 9615423706 9615423806 9614295416 50 Valve Body, 21-90 9613057128 9615423508 9615423608 9615423708 9615423808 9614295418 50 Valve Body, 22-90 9613057130 9615423510 9615423610 9615423810 9615423810 9614295420 50 Valve Body, 11-180 9613057123 9615423503 9615423603 9615423703 9615423803 9614295413 50 Valve Body, 11-270 9613057124 9615423504 9615423604 9615423704 9615423804 9614295414 50 Valve Body, 11-00 9613057141 9615423521 9615423621 9615423721 9615423821 9614295421 50 Valve Body, 12-00 9613057145 9615423525 9615423625 9615423725 9615423825 9614295425 50 Valve Body, 21-00 9613057147 9615423527 9615423627 9615423727 9615423827 9614295427 50 Valve Body, 22-00 9613057149 9615423529 9615423629 9615423729 9615423929 9614295429 50 Valve Body, 11-90 9613057142 9615423522 9615423622 9615423722 9615423822 9614295422 50 Valve Body, 12-90 9613057146 9615423526 9615423626 9615423726 9615423826 9614295426 50 Valve Body, 21-90 9613057148 9615423528 9615423628 9615423728 9615423828 9614295428 50 Valve Body, 22-90 9613057150 9615423530 9615423630 9615423730 9615423830 9614295430 50 Valve Body, 11-180 9613057143 9615423523 9615423623 9615423723 9615423823 9614295423 50 Valve Body, 11-270 9613057144 9615423524 9615423624 9615423724 9615423824 9614295424 50 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port 9613058015 9613058017 9613058019 9613058021 9613058039 9613058045 51 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports 9613058016 9613058018 9613058020 9613058022 9613058040 9613058046 51 Valve Body, Lower, 1 Port 9613058315 9613058317 9613058319 9613058321 9613058323 9613058339 53 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports 9613058316 9613058318 9613058320 9613058322 9613058324 9613058340 53 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port 9613058027 9613058029 9613058031 9613058033 9613058041 9613058047 51 Valve Body, Upper, 2 Ports 9613058028 9613058030 9613058032 9613058034 9613058042 9613058048 51 Valve Body, Upper, 1 Port 9613058327 9613058329 9613058331 9613058333 9613058335 9613058341 53 Valve Body, Lower, 2 Ports 9613058328 9613058330 9613058332 9613058334 9613058336 9613058342 53 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 11
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928073 9611928077 9611928077 9611928081 9611928085 NBR 9611928074 9611928078 9611928078 9611928082 9611928086 FPM 9611928075 9611928079 9611928079 9611928083 9611928087 HNBR 9611928076 9611928080 9611928080 9611928084 9611928088 Mixed Size Housing Service Kits - Determined by Largest Connection Size
Type 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928181 9611928185 9611928185 9611928189 NBR 9611928182 9611928186 9611928186 9611928190 FPM 9611928183 9611928187 9611928187 9611928191 HNBR 9611928184 9611928188 9611928188 9611928192 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255901 9614256301 9614256303 9614256701 9614257101 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9614221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008416 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9613014201 9613006401 9613006401 9613018801 9613017001 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9613014203 9613006403 9613006403 9613018803 9613017003 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008501 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008541 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008503 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008504 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 49 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614233101 9614234001 9614234001 9614234501 9614235001 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614202937 9614201601 9614201601 9614217821 9614284801 75 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 77 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 77 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 77 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 77 Lower Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9613023902 9613024102 9613024102 9613066201 9613024502 79 Lower Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9613023904 9613024104 9613024104 9613066202 9613024504 79 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 80 Cover 9613049005 9613049006 9613049006 9613049015 9613049007 81 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 20 (US PMO)
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928273 9611928277 9611928281 9611928281 9611928285 9611928289 NBR 9611928274 9611928278 9611928282 9611928282 9611928286 9611928290 FPM 9611928275 9611928279 9611928283 9611928283 9611928287 9611928291 HNBR 9611928276 9611928280 9611928284 9611928284 9611928288 9611928292 Mixed Size Housing Service Kits - Determined by Smallest Connection Size
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928333 9611928337 9611928341 9611928341 9611928345 NBR 9611928334 9611928338 9611928342 9611928342 9611928346 FPM 9611928335 9611928339 9611928343 9611928343 9611928347 HNBR 9611928336 9611928340 9611928344 9611928344 9611928348 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255501 9614255901 9614256301 9614256303 9614256701 9614257101 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9611993492 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9613221301 9613221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008412 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993639 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9613015701 9613014202 9613006402 9613006402 9613066001 9613017002 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9613015702 9613014204 9613006404 9613006404 9613066002 9613017004 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008516 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008544 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008518 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008519 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 49 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614232501 9614233109 9614234007 9614234007 9614234505 9614235003 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614202965 9614204821 9614201621 9614201633 9614217801 9614284807 75 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Special Lip Seal, EPDM 9613464259 9613464215 9613464203 9613464203 9613464219 9613464207 95 Special Lip Seal, NBR 9613464260 9613464216 9613464204 9613464204 9613464220 9613464208 95 Special Lip Seal, HNBR 9613464257 9613464213 9613464201 9613464201 9613464217 9613464205 95 Special Lip Seal, FPM 9613464258 9613464214 9613464202 9613464202 9613464218 9613464206 95 Lower Sealing Element, Upper Part 9614257701 9613475801 9613465201 9613465201 9613476001 9613465401 96 Lower Sealing Element, Lower Part 9614257801 9613475901 9613465301 9613465301 9613476101 9613465501 97 Guide Ring, Turcite 9613466111 9613466104 9613466101 9613466101 9613466105 9613466102 98 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 19 (US PMO)
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928257 9611928261 9611928261 9611928265 9611928269 NBR 9611928258 9611928262 9611928262 9611928266 9611928270 FPM 9611928259 9611928263 9611928263 9611928267 9611928271 HNBR 9611928260 9611928264 9611928264 9611928268 9611928272 Mixed Size Housing Service Kits - Determined by Smallest Connection Size
Type 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928321 9611928325 9611928325 9611928329 NBR 9611928322 9611928326 9611928326 9611928330 FPM 9611928323 9611928327 9611928327 9611928331 HNBR 9611928324 9611928328 9611928328 9611928332 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255901 9614256301 9614256303 9614256701 9614257101 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9613221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008416 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9613014201 9613006401 9613006401 9613018801 9613017001 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9613014203 9613006403 9613006403 9613018803 9613017003 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008501 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008541 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008503 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008504 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 49 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614233101 9614234001 9614234001 9614234501 9614235001 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614204821 9614201621 9614201633 9614217801 9614284807 75 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-RIng, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Special Lip Seal, EPDM 9613464215 9613464203 9613464203 9613464219 9613464207 95 Special Lip Seal, NBR 9613464216 9613464204 9613464204 9613464220 9613464208 95 Special Lip Seal, HNBR 9613464213 9613464201 9613464201 9613464217 9613464205 95 Special Lip Seal, FPM 9613464214 9613464202 9613464202 9613464218 9613464206 95 Lower Sealing Element, Upper Part 9613475801 9613465201 9613465201 9613476001 9613465401 96 Lower Sealing Element, Lower Part 9613475901 9613465301 9613465301 9613476101 9613465501 97 Guide Ring, Turcite 9613466104 9613466101 9613466101 9613466105 9613466102 98 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 18
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928237 9611928241 9611928245 9611928245 9611928249 9611928253 NBR 9611928238 9611928242 9611928246 9611928246 9611928250 9611928254 FPM 9611928239 9611928243 9611928247 9611928247 9611928251 9611928255 HNBR 9611928240 9611928244 9611928248 9611928248 9611928252 9611928256 Mixed Size Housing Service Kits - Determined by Smallest Connection Size
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928305 9611928309 9611928313 9611928313 9611928317 NBR 9611928306 9611928310 9611928314 9611928314 9611928318 FPM 9611928307 9611928311 9611928315 9611928315 9611928319 HNBR 9611928308 9611928312 9611928316 9611928316 9611928320 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255502 9614255902 9614256302 9614256304 9614256702 9614257102 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9613221301 9613221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008412 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993655 9611993653 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 46 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9614220101 9614219801 9614205901 9614205901 9614219901 9614220001 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9614220102 9614219802 9614205902 9614205902 9614219902 9614220002 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008516 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008544 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008518 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008519 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 49 Flushing Tube 9614205801 9614205802 9614205803 9614205803 9614205804 9614205805 66 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 67 Drain 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 68 Nozzle 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 69 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 144 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614232502 9614233110 9614234008 9614234008 9614234506 9614235004 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095104 961095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614202966 9614204822 9614201622 9614201634 9614217802 9614284808 75 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Special Lip Seal, EPDM 9613464259 9613464215 9613464203 9613464203 9613464219 9613464207 95 Special Lip Seal, NBR 9613464260 9613464216 9613464204 9613464204 9613464220 9613464208 95 Special Lip Seal, HNBR 9613464257 9613464213 9613464201 9613464201 9613464217 9613464205 95 Special Lip Seal, FPM 9613464258 9613464214 9613464202 9613464202 9613464218 9613464206 95 Lower Sealing Element, Upper Part 9614257701 9613475801 9613465201 9613465201 9613476001 9613465401 96 Lower Sealing Element, Lower Part 9614257801 9613475901 9613465301 9613465301 9613476101 9613465501 97 Guide Ring, Turcite 9613466111 9613466104 9613466101 9613466101 9613466105 9613466102 98 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 17
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928221 9611928225 9611928225 9611928229 9611928233 NBR 9611928222 9611928226 9611928226 9611928230 9611928234 FPM 9611928223 9611928227 9611928227 9611928231 9611928235 HNBR 9611928224 9611928228 9611928228 9611928232 9611928236 Mixed Size Housing Service Kits - Determined by Smallest Size Connection
Type 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928293 9611928297 9611928297 9611928301 NBR 9611928294 9611928298 9611928298 9611928302 FPM 9611928295 9611928299 9611928299 9611928303 HNBR 9611928296 9611928300 9611928300 9611928304 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255902 9614256302 9614256304 9614256702 9614257102 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9613221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008416 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993653 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 46 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9614220201 9614220301 9614220301 9614220401 9614220601 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9614220202 9614220302 9614220302 9614220402 9614220602 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008501 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008541 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008503 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008504 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 49 Flushing Tube 9614205802 9614205803 9614205803 9614205804 9614205805 66 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 67 Drain 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 68 Nozzle 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 69 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 144 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 554 Upper Plug 9614233102 9614234002 9614234002 9614234502 9614235002 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM
9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614204822 9614201622 9614201634 9614217802 9614284808 75 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Special Lip Seal, EPDM 9613464215 9613464203 9613464203 9613464219 9613464207 95 Special Lip Seal, NBR 9613464216 9613464204 9613464204 9613464220 9613464208 95 Special Lip Seal, HNBR 9613464213 9613464201 9613464201 9613464217 9613464205 95 Special Lip Seal, FPM 9613464214 9613464202 9613464202 9613464218 9613464206 95 Lower Sealing Element, Upper Part 9613475801 9613465201 9613465201 9613476001 9613465401 96 Lower Sealing Element, Lower Part 9613475901 9613465301 9613465301 9613476101 9613465501 97 Guide Ring, Turcite 9613466104 9613466101 9613466101 9613466105 9613466102 98 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 14
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928017 9611928021 9611928025 9611928025 9611928029 9611928033 NBR 9611928018 9611928022 9611928026 9611928026 9611928030 9611928034 FPM 9611928019 9611928023 9611928027 9611928027 9611928031 9611928035 HNBR 9611928020 9611928024 9611928028 9611928028 9611928032 9611928036 Mixed Size Housing Service Kits - Determined by Smallest Connection Size
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928137 9611928141 9611928145 9611928145 9611928149 NBR 9611928138 9611928142 9611928146 9611928146 9611928150 FPM 9611928139 9611928143 9611928147 9611928147 9611928151 HNBR 9611928140 9611928144 9611928148 9611928148 9611928152 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255501 9614255901 9614256301 9614256303 9614256701 9614257101 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 9613205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9613221301 9613221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008412 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9613015701 9613014202 9613006402 9613006402 9613066001 9613017002 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9613015702 9613014204 9613006404 9613006404 9613066002 9613017004 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008516 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008544 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008518 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008519 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 49 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614232501 9614233109 9614234007 9614234007 9614234505 9614235003 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Lip Seal, HNBR
9613008709 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614202902 9614202938 9614201602 9614201602 9614217822 9614284802 75 Flushing Tube 9614205801 9614205802 9614205803 9614205803 9614205804 9614205805 70 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 71 Drain 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 72 Nozzle 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 73 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 145 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008516 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 77 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008544 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 77 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008518 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 77 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008519 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 77 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993655 9611993650 9611993651 9611993651 9611994407 9611993652 78 Lower Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9614220501 9614220701 9614220801 9614220801 9614220901 9614221001 79 Lower Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9614220502 9614220702 9614220802 9614220802 9614220902 9614221002 79 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008412 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 80 Cover 9613049001 9613049005 9613049006 9613049006 9613049015 9613049007 81 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 13
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928109 9611928113 961128113 9611928117 9611928121 NBR 9611928110 9611928114 9611928114 9611928118 9611928122 FPM 9611928111 9611928115 9611928115 9611928119 9611928123 HNBR 9611928112 9611928116 9611928116 9611928120 9611928124 Mixed Size Housing Service Kits - Determined by Smallest Connection Size
Type 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928209 9611928213 9611928213 9611928217 NBR 9611928210 9611928214 9611928214 9611928218 FPM 9611928211 9611928215 9611928215 9611928219 HNBR
9611928212 9611928216 9611928216 9611928220 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255901 9614256301 9614256303 9614256701 9614257101 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9614221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008416 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9613014201 9613006401 9613006401 9613018801 9613017001 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9613014203 9613006403 9613006403 9613018803 9613017003 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008501 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008541 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008503 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008504 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 49 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614233101 9614234001 9614234001 9614234501 9614235001 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614202938 9614201602 9614201602 9614217822 9614284802 75 Flushing Tube 9614205802 9614205803 9614205803 9614205804 9614205805 70 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 71 Drain 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 72 Nozzle 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 73 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 145 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 77 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 77 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 77 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 77 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993650 9611993651 9611993651 9611994407 9611993652 78 Lower Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9614220701 9614220801 9614220801 9614220901 9614221001 79 Lower Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9614220702 9614220802 9614220802 9614220902 9614221002 79 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 80 Cover 9613049005 9613049006 9613049006 9613049015 9613049007 81 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 12
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928089 9611928093 9611928097 9611928097 9611928101 9611928105 NBR 9611928090 9611928094 9611928098 9611928098 9611928102 9611928106 FPM 9611928091 9611928095 9611928099 9611928099 9611928103 9611928107 HNBR 9611928092 9611928092 9611928096 9611928100 9611928100 9611928108 Mixed Size Housing Service Kits - Determined by Largest Connection Size
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928193 9611928197 9611928201 9611928201 9611928205 NBR 9611928194 9611928198 9611928202 9611928202 9611928206 FPM 9611928195 9611928199 9611928203 9611928203 9611928207 HNBR 9611928196 9611928200 9611928204 9611928204 9611928208 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255501 9614255901 9614256301 9614256303 9614256701 9614257101 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9614221301 9614221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008412 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9613015701 9613014202 9613006402 9613006402 9613066001 9613017002 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9613015702 9613014204 9613006404 9613006404 9613066002 9613017004 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008516 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008544 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008518 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008519 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 49 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614232501 9614233109 9614234007 9614234007 9614234505 9614235003 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 961095105 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614202901 9614202937 9614201601 9614201601 9614217821 9614284801 75 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008516 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 77 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008544 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 77 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008518 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 77 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008519 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 77 Lower Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9613023701 9613023902 9613024102 9613024102 9613066201 9613024502 79 Lower Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9613023702 9613023904 9613024104 9613024104 9613066202 9613024504 79 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008412 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 80 Cover 9613049001 9613049005 9613049006 9613049006 9613049015 9613049007 81 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 6
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928053 9611928057 9611928061 9611928061 9611928065 9611928069 NBR 9611928054 9611928058 9611928062 9611928062 9611928066 9611928070 FPM 9611928055 9611928059 9611928063 9611928063 9611928067 9611928071 HNBR 9611928056 9611928060 9611928064 9611928064 9611928068 9611928072 Mixed Housing Size Service Kits - Determined by Smallest Connection Size
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928165 9611928169 9611928173 9611928173 9611928177 NBR 9611928166 9611928170 9611928174 9611928174 9611928178 FPM 9611928167 9611928171 9611928175 9611928175 9611928179 HNBR 9611928168 9611928172 9611928176 9611928176 9611928180 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255502 9614255902 9614256302 9614256304 9614256702 9614257102 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9614221301 9614221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring 9613008412 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993655 9611993653 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 46 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9614220101 9614219801 9614205901 9614205901 9614219901 9614220001 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9614220102 9614219802 9614205902 9614205902 9614219902 9614220002 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008516 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008544 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008518 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008519 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 49 Flushing Tube 9614205801 9614205802 9614205803 9614205803 9614205804 9614205805 66 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 67 Drain 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 68 Nozzle 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 69 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 144 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614232502 9614233110 9614234008 9614234008 9614234506 9614235004 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008717 96130008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 75 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614202904 9614202940 9614201604 9614201604 9614217824 9614284804 75 Flushing Tube 9614205801 9614205802 9614205803 9614205803 9614205804 9614205805 70 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 71 Drain 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 72 Nozzle 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 73 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 145 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008516 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 77 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008544 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 77 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008518 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 77 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008519 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 77 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993655 9611993650 9611993651 9611993651 9611994407 9611993652 78 Lower Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9614220501 9614220701 9614220801 9614220801 9614220901 9614221001 79 Lower Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9614220502 9614220702 9614220802 9614220802 9614220902 9614221002 79 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008412 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 80 Cover 9613049001 9613049006 9613049006 9613049006 9613049015 9613049007 81 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 5
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928037 9611928041 9611928041 9611928045 9611928049 NBR 9611928038 9611928042 9611928042 9611928046 9611928050 FPM 9611928039 9611928043 9611928043 9611928047 9611928051 HNBR 9611928040 9611928044 9611928044 9611928048 9611928052 Mixed Size Housing Service Kits - Determined by Smallest Connection Size
Type 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928153 9611928157 9611928157 9611928161 NBR 9611928154 9611928158 9611928158 9611928162 FPM 9611928155 9611928159 9611928159 9611928163 HNBR 9611928156 9611928160 9611928160 9611928164 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255902 9614256302 9614256304 9614256702 9614257102 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 83 Cable for Sensor Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9614221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring 9613008416 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993653 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 46 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9614220201 9614220301 9614220301 9614220401 9614220601 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9614220202 9614220302 9614220302 9614220402 9614220602 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008501 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008541 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008503 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008504 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 49 Flushing Tube 9614205802 9614205803 9614205803 9614205804 9614205805 66 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 67 Drain 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 68 Nozzle 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 69 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 144 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614233102 9614234002 9614234002 9614234502 9614235002 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614202940 9614201604 9614201604 9614217824 9614284804 75 Flushing Tube 9614205802 9614205803 9614205803 9614205804 9614205805 70 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 71 Drain 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 72 Nozzle 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 73 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 145 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 77 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 77 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 77 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 77 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993650 9611993651 9611993651 9611994407 9611993652 78 Lower Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9614220701 9614220801 9614220801 9614220901 9614221001 79 Lower Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9614220702 9614220802 9614220802 9614220902 9614221002 79 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 80 Cover 9613049005 9613049006 9613049006 9613049015 9613049007 81 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Setup 4
Service Kits
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928017 9611928021 9611928025 9611928025 9611928029 9611928033 NBR 9611928018 9611928022 9611928026 9611928026 9611928030 9611928034 FPM 9611928019 9611928023 9611928027 9611928027 9611928031 96119208035 HNBR 9611928020 9611928024 9611928028 9611928028 9611928032 9611928036 Service Kits - Mixed Size Housing (Determined by Smallest Connection Size)
Type 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928137 9611928141 9611928145 9611928145 9611928149 NBR 9611928138 9611928142 9611928146 9611928146 9611928150 FPM 9611928139 9611928143 9611928147 9611928147 9611928151 HNBR 9611928140 9611928144 9611928148 9611928148 9611928152 Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255502 9614255902 9614256302 9614256304 9614256702 9614257102 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 9611995770 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9614221301 9614221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Guide Ring 9613008412 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 45 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993655 9611993653 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 46 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra1.6 9614220101 9614219801 9614205901 9614205901 9614219901 9614220001 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polsihed, Ra0.8 9614220102 9614219802 9614205902 9614205902 9614219902 9614220002 48 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008516 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 49 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008544 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 49 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008518 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 49 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008519 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 49 Flushing Tube 9614205801 9614205802 9614205803 9614205803 9614205804 9614205805 66 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 67 Drain 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 68 Nozzle 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 69 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 144 Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614232502 9614233110 9614234008 961423408 9614234506 9614235004 55 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614202903 9614202939 9614201603 9614201603 9614217823 9614284803 75 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008516 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 77 Lip Seal, NBR 9613008544 9613008545 9613008546 9613008546 9613008553 9613008547 77 Lip Seal, FPM 9613008518 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 77 Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008519 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 77 Lower Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra1.6 9613023701 9613023902 9613024102 9613024102 9613066201 9613024502 79 Lower Sealing Element, Polished, Ra0.8 9613023702 9613023904 9613024104 9613024104 9613066202 9613024504 79 Guide Ring 9613008412 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 80 Cover 9613049001 9613049005 9613049006 9613049006 9613049015 9613049007 81 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993628 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993629 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993630 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993631 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Plug Set Up 3
Service Kits
Type 2 2.5 3 4 6 EPDM 9611928001 9611928005 9611928005 9611928009 9611928013 NBR 9611928002 9611928006 9611928006 9611928010 9611928014 FPM 9611928003 9611928007 9611928007 9611928011 9611928015 HNBR 9611928004 9611928008 9611928008 9611928012 9611928016 Service Kits - Mixed Size Housing (Determined by Smallest Connection Size)
Type 2 2.5 3 4 EPDM 9611928125 9611928129 9611928129 9611928133 NBR 9611928126 9611928130 9611928130 9611928134 FPM 9611928127 9611928131 9611928131 9611928135 HNBR 9611928128 9611928132 9611928132 9611928136 Spare Parts
Part 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Intermediate Piece 9614255902 9614256302 9614256304 9614256702 9614257102 37 Bolt for Indication 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 9614257508 82 Sensor for Indication 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 9611995199 83 Cable for Sensor for Indication 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 9611994915 83.1 Plug 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 9615331901 15.2 Spindle Liner 9614221101 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 9614205301 42 Clamp 9613011801 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 9613009201 43 Lock 9613011701 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 9613009101 44 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993492 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 9611993493 39 O-Ring, EPDM 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 9611995521 40 Flushing Tube 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 9614205401 41 Spray Nozzle, PVDF 9614221301 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 9614221201 58 Upper Sealing Element, Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008416 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 9613008417 45 Upper Sealing Element, O-Ring, EPDM 9611993653 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 9611993654 46 Upper Sealing Element, O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 47 Upper Sealing Element, O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 47 Upper Sealing Element, O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 47 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 47 Upper Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9614220201 9614220301 9614220301 9614220401 9614220601 48 Upper Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9614220202 9614220302 9614220302 9614220402 9614220602 48 Upper Sealing Element, Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008501 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 9613008511 49 Upper Sealing Element, Lip Seal, NBR 9613008541 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 9613008543 49 Upper Sealing Element, Lip Seal, FPM 9613008503 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 9613008513 49 Upper Sealing Element, Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008504 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 9613008514 49 Upper Sealing Element, Flushing Tube 9614205802 9614205803 9614205803 9614205804 9614205805 66 Upper Sealing Element, O-Ring, EPDM 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 9611995523 67 Upper Sealing Element, Drain 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 9614205701 68 Upper Sealing Element, Nozzle 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 9614205601 69 Upper Sealing Element, O-Ring, EPDM 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 9611995522 144 Upper Plug, Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008401 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 9613008402 54 Upper Plug 9614233102 9614234002 9614234002 9614234502 9614235002 55 Upper Plug, Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095106 9613095109 9613095109 9613095119 9613095112 56 Upper Plug, Seal Ring, NBR 9613095114 9613095115 9613095115 9613095120 9613095116 56 Upper Plug, Seal Ring, FPM 9613095105 9613095108 9613095108 9613095118 9613095111 56 Upper Plug, Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095104 9613095107 9613095107 9613095117 9613095110 56 Upper Plug, Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008706 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 9613008711 57 Upper Plug, Lip Seal, NBR 9613008717 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 9613008718 57 Upper Plug, Lip Seal, FPM 9613008708 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 9613008713 57 Upper Plug, Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008709 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 9613008714 57 Lower Plug, O-Ring, EPDM 9611993555 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 9611993572 38 Lower Plug, Seal Ring, EPDM 9613095206 9613095209 9613095209 9613095219 9613095212 74 Lower Plug, Seal Ring, NBR 9613095214 9613095215 9613095215 9613095220 9613095216 74 Lower Plug, Seal Ring, FPM 9613095205 9613095208 9613095208 9613095218 9613095211 74 Lower Plug, Seal Ring, HNBR 9613095204 9613095207 9613095207 9613095217 9613095210 74 Lower Plug 9614202939 9614201603 9614201603 9614217823 9614284803 75 Lower Sealing Element, O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 76 Lower Sealing Element, O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 76 Lower Sealing Element, O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 76 Lower Sealing Element, O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 76 Lower Sealing Element, Lip Seal, EPDM 9613008521 9613008526 9613008526 9613008548 9613008531 77 Lower Sealing Element, Lip Seal, NBR 9613008545 9613008546 961008546 9613008553 9613008547 77 Lower Sealing Element, Lip Seal, FPM 9613008523 9613008528 9613008528 9613008550 9613008533 77 Lower Sealing Element, Lip Seal, HNBR 9613008524 9613008529 9613008529 9613008551 9613008534 77 Lower Sealing Element, Blasted, Ra 1.6 9613023902 9613024102 9613024102 9613066201 9613024502 79 Lower Sealing Element, Polished, Ra 0.8 9613023904 9613024104 9613024104 9613066202 9613024504 79 Lower Sealing Element, Guide Ring, PTFE 9613008413 9613008414 9613008414 9613008420 9613008415 80 Lower Sealing Element, Cover 9613049005 9613049006 9613049006 9613049015 9613049007 81 O-Ring, EPDM 9611993632 9611993636 9611993636 9611993640 9611993644 52 O-Ring, NBR 9611993633 9611993637 9611993637 9611993641 9611993645 52 O-Ring, FPM 9611993634 9611993638 9611993638 9611993642 9611993646 52 O-Ring, HNBR 9611993635 9611993639 9611993639 9611993643 9611993647 52 - Mixproof CP-3 Actuator Spare Parts
Part 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 Diagram Key Actuator, Complete, Dairy, Blasted, No Seat Lift 9613055481 9613055481 9613099546 9613099546 9613083782 9613083782 - Actuator, Complete, Dairy, Blasted, Both Seat Lift 9613055484 9613055484 9613099549 9613099549 9613083785 9613083785 - Actuator, Complete, Dairy, Polished, No Seat Lift 9613055485 9613055485 9613099550 9613099550 9613083786 9613083786 - Actuator, Complete, Dairy, Polished, Both Seat Lift 9613055488 9613055488 9613099553 9613099553 9613083789 9613083789 - Actuator, Complete, Non-Dairy, Blasted, No Seat Lift 9613055489 9613055489 9613099554 9613099554 9613083790 9613083790 - Actuator, Complete, Non-Dairy, Blasted, Both Seat Lift 9613055492 9613055492 9613099557 9613099557 9613083793 9613083793 - Actuator, Complete, Non-Dairy, Polished, No Seat Lift 9613055493 9613055493 9613099558 9613099558 9613083794 9613083794 - Actuator, Complete, Non-Dairy, Polished, Both Seat Lift 9613055496 9613055496 9613099561 9613099561 9613083797 9613083797 - Upper Stem 9613010102 9613010102 9613007401 9613007401 9613007402 9613007402 1 Screw N/A N/A 9611993342 9611993342 9611993342 9611993342 2 Air Fitting, Blue 9611993780 9611993780 9611993780 9611993780 9611993780 9611993780 3 Air Fitting, Red 9611994172 9611994172 9611994172 9611994172 9611994172 9611994172 3.1 Air Fitting, Yellow 9611994171 9611994171 9611994171 9611994171 9611994171 9611994171 3.2 Stop for Upper Piston N/A N/A 9613005301 9613005301 9613005302 9613005302 4 O-Ring, NBR 9611993499 9611993499 9611993499 9611993499 9611993499 9611993499 5 Guide Ring, Turcite 9613008408 9613008408 9613008408 9613008408 9613008408 9613008408 6 O-Ring, NBR N/A N/A 9611993514 9611993514 9611993514 9611993514 7 Upper Piston N/A N/A 9613005601 9613005601 9613005602 9613005602 8 O-Ring, NBR N/A N/A 9611993512 9611993512 9611993513 9611993513 9 Spring Assembly 9613012501 9613012501 9613007501 9613007501 9613025603 9613025603 10 Distance Spacer 9613010202 9613010202 N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 Screw 9611991763 9611991763 N/A N/A N/A N/A 11.1 Pin 9611994197 9611994197 9611994198 9611994198 9611994199 9611994199 12 Washer 9611993594 9611993594 9611993595 9611993595 9611993596 9611993596 13 Spring Assembly 9613013101 9613013101 9613009502 9613009502 9613009502 9613009502 14 Plug 9613414101 9613414101 9613414101 9613414101 9613414101 9613414101 15 Plug 9611993709 9611993709 9611993709 9611993709 9611993709 9611993709 15.1 Main Piston 9613013201 9613013201 9613005701 9613005701 9613015901 9613015901 17 Guide Ring, Turcite 9613008409 9613008409 9613008410 9613008410 9613008411 9613008411 18 O-Ring, NBR 9611993505 9611993505 9611993507 9611993507 9611993509 9611993509 19 O-Ring, NBR 9611993503 9611993503 9611993607 9611993607 9611993607 9611993607 20 Bottom 9613014001 9613014001 9613005401 9613005401 9613016801 9613016801 21 Guide Ring, Turcite 9613008403 9613008403 9613008404 9613008404 9613008404 9613008404 22 O-Ring, NBR 9611992228 9611992228 9611991489 9611991489 22340675 22340675 23 Retaining Ring 9613024802 9613024802 9613024803 9613024803 9613024804 9613024804 24 Cover Disk 9613005802 9613005802 9613005803 9613005803 9613005804 9613005804 25 O-Ring, NBR 9611993528 9611993528 9611993495 9611993495 9611993530 9611993530 26 Inner Stem 9613010602 9613010602 9613007301 9613007301 9613007302 9613007302 27 O-Ring 9611993495 9611993495 9611990030 9611990030 9611990030 9611990030 28 Piston Rod 9613013401 9613013401 9613006001 9613006001 9613006002 9613006002 29 Lower Piston 9613013801 9613013801 9613005501 9613005501 9613016601 9613016601 30 O-Ring, NBR 42153 42153 42153 42153 42153 42153 31 Guide Ring, Turcite 9613008405 9613008405 9613008406 9613008406 9613008407 9613008407 32 O-Ring, NBR 22341275 22341275 9611993508 9611993508 9611993510 9611993510 33 Bolt 9611993618 9611993618 9611993618 9611993618 9611993618 9611993618 34 Washer 9611993594 9611993594 9611993594 9611993594 9611993594 9611993594 35 Nut 9611990360 9611990360 9611990360 9611990360 9611990360 9611990360 36
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