Alfa Laval SBV Ball Valve
The Alfa Laval Sanitary Ball Valve (SBV) features a full bore design with zero flow restriction, meaning it's a great choice for processes handling viscous product or liquid with particulates. The SBV has a constant pipeline diameter, enabling fluids to flow freely as well as having the ability to work with pigging systems. Featuring a three-piece design, this valve is ideal for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, and chemical applications.
The SBV uses a floating ball design that guarantees a tight seal and permits axial movement while preventing rotation. These valve can be manually operated or automatically actuated and are compatibly with ThinkTop control units.

Technical Data
Temperature | -50°F to 266°F |
Max. Product Pressure | 232 PSI (16 Bar) |
Min. Product Pressure | 0 Bar |
Operatin Pressure | 87-145 PSI (6-10 Bar) |
Temp. Range | 39°F to +140°F |
Max. Recommended Pressure During Actration | 86 PSI (6 Bar) |
Air Consumption 4.09" | 0.5 NI |
Air Consumption 5.08" | 0.75 NI |
Max. Recommended Pressure During Actration | 86 PSI (6 Bar) |
Standard Design
The SBV requires no special tools to perform maintenance. The bonnet includes two inspection holes make it easy to inspect the stem seal for tightness. The standard actuator is prepared for position indication with inductive proximity switches. Actuated SBV valves are normally closed (NC), but are easily rebuilt to normally open (NO).
Physical Data
Product Wetted Steel Part | 316L |
Other Steel Parts | 304 |
External Surface Finish | Semi-Bright (Blasted) |
Internal Surface Finish | Bright (Polished), Ra < 32 |
Product Wetted Seals | EPDM |
Other Seals | NBR |
- Manually operated quarter-turn handle or automated pneumatic actuator
- Bracket for mounting inductive proximity switches
- ThinkTop control unit
- Fittings in accordance with ISO or DIN standards
- PTFE encapsulated seats
- Valve seat cleaning connections
- O-rings available in NBR, Silicone, or FPM
Product Resources
See all resources by Alfa LavalSpare Parts
Service Kits
Type DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 Wetted Parts, EDPM 9612647749 9612647757 9612647765 9612647773 9612647781 9612647789 Wetted Parts, NBR 9612647750 9612647758 9612647766 9612647774 9612647782 9612647790 Wetted Parts, Q 9612647751 9612647759 9612647767 9612647775 9612647783 9612647791 Wetted Parts, FPM 9612647752 9612647760 9612647768 9612647776 9612647784 9612647792 Wetted Parts, Cavity Fillers, EPDM 9612647849 9612647857 9612647865 9612647873 9612647881 9612647889 Wetted Parts, Cavity Fillers, NBR 9612647850 9612647858 9612647866 9612647874 9612647882 9612647890 Wetted Parts, Cavity Fillers, Q 9612647851 9612647859 9612647867 9612647875 9612647883 9612647891 Wetted Parts, Cavity Fillers, FPM 9612647852 9612647860 9612647868 9612647876 9612647884 9612647892 All Seals, EPDM 9612647753 9612647761 9612647769 9612647777 9612647785 9612647793 All Seals, NBR 9612647754 9612647762 9612647770 9612647778 9612647786 9612647794 All Seals, Q 9612647755 9612647763 9612647771 9612647779 9612647787 9612647795 All Seals, FPM 9612647756 9612647764 9612647772 9612647780 9612647788 9612647796 All Seals, Cavity Fillers, EPDM 9612647853 9612647861 9612647869 9612647877 9612647885 9612647893 All Seals, Cavity Fillers, NBR 9612647854 9612647862 9612647870 9612647878 9612647886 9612647894 All Seals, Cavity Fillers, Q 9612647855 9612647863 9612647871 9612647879 9612647887 9612647895 All Seals, Cavity Fillers, FPM 9612647856 9612647864 9612647872 9612647880 9612647888 9612647896 Spare Parts
Part DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 Diagram Key Valve Body 9612647501 9612647535 9612647547 9612647559 9612647571 9612647584 1a Valve Body for Cavity Cleaning 9612647673 9612647674 9612647675 9612647676 9612647677 9612647678 1b Flange 9612647617 9612647624 9612647631 9612647638 9612647645 9612647652 2 Ball 9612647618 9612647625 9612647632 9612647639 9612647646 9612647653 3 Stem 9612647504 9612647504 9612647550 9612647550 9612647550 9612647587 4 Flange Screw 9612647514 9612647514 9612647514 9612647514 9612647583 9612647583 8 Spring 9612647519 9612647519 9612647519 9612647519 9612647519 9612647602 13 Pin 9612647521 9612647521 9612647521 9612647521 9612647521 9612647604 15 Screw, Act. 9612647522 9612647522 9612647522 9612647522 9612647522 9612647605 16 Coupling 9612647523 9612647523 9612647523 9612647523 9612647523 9612647606 17 Screw 9612647524 9612647524 9612647524 9612647524 9612647524 9612647607 18 Bonnet 9612647525 9612647525 9612647525 9612647525 9612647525 9612647608 19 Actuator Complete, Standard 9612647680 9612647680 9612647680 9612647680 9612647680 9612647681 20 Actuator 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647609 20a Position Indicator Complete 9612647527 9612647527 9612647527 9612647527 9612647527 9612647527 20b Actuator Complete, ThinkTop Version 9612647682 9612647682 9612647682 9612647682 9612647682 9612647683 21 Actuator 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647609 20a ThinkTop Adapter Complete 9612647528 9612647528 9612647528 9612647528 9612647528 9612647610 21a Screw, Man. 9612647529 9612647529 9612647529 9612647529 9612647529 N/A 22 Top Plate 9612647530 9612647530 9612647530 9612647530 9612647530 N/A 23a Top Plate for Position Indication 9612647531 9612647531 9612647531 9612647531 9612647531 9612647613 23b Handle 9612647532 9612647532 9612647532 9612647532 9612647532 N/A 24a Handle for Position Indication 9612647533 9612647533 9612647533 9612647533 9612647533 N/A 24b Screw 9612647534 9612647534 9612647534 9612647534 9612647534 N/A 25 Seal for Valves w/ Cavity Cleaning Connections 9612647679 9612647679 9612647679 9612647679 9612647679 9612647679 26 - SBV - ISO
Service Kits
Type 25mm 38mm 51mm 63.5mm 76.1mm 101.6mm Wetted Parts, EPDM 9612647701 9612647709 9612647717 9612647725 9612647733 9612647741 Wetted Parts, NBR 9612647702 9612647710 9612647718 9612647726 9612647734 9612647742 Wetted Parts, Q 9612647703 9612647711 9612647719 9612647727 9612647735 9612647743 Wetted Parts, FPM 9612647704 9612647712 9612647720 9612647728 9612647736 9612647744 Wetted Parts, Cavity Fillers, EPDM 9612647801 9612647809 9612647817 9612647825 9612647833 9612647841 Wetted Parts, Cavity Fillers, NBR 9612647802 9612647810 9612647818 9612647826 9612647834 9612647842 Wetted Parts, Cavity Fillers, Q 9612647803 9612647811 9612647819 9612647827 9612647835 9612647843 Wetted Parts, Cavity Fillers, FPM 9612647804 9612647812 9612647820 9612647828 9612647836 9612647844 All Seals, EPDM 9612647705 9612647713 9612647721 9612647729 9612647737 9612647745 All Seals, NBR 9612647706 9612647714 9612647722 9612647730 9612647738 9612647746 All Seals, Q 9612647707 9612647715 9612647723 9612647731 9612647739 9612647747 All Seals, FPM 9612647708 9612647716 9612647724 9612647732 9612647740 9612647748 All Seals, Cavity Fillers, EPDM 9612647805 9612647813 9612647821 9612647829 9612647837 9612647845 All Seals, Cavity Fillers, NBR 9612647806 9612467814 9612647822 9612647830 9612647838 9612647846 All Seals, Cavity Fillers, Q 9612647807 9612647815 9612647823 9612647831 9612647839 9612647847 All Seals, FPM 9612647808 9612647816 9612647824 9612647832 9612647840 9612647848 Spare Parts
Part 25mm 38mm 51mm 63.5mm 76.1mm 101.6mm Diagram Key Valve Body 9612647501 9612647535 9612647547 9612647559 9612647571 9612647584 1a Valve Body, for Cavity Cleaning 9612647673 9612647674 9612647675 9612647676 9612647677 9612647678 1b Flange 9612647502 9612647536 9612647548 9612647560 9612647572 9612647585 2 Ball 9612647503 9612647537 9612647549 9612647561 9612647573 9612647586 3 Stem 9612647504 9612647504 9612647550 9612647550 9612647550 9612647587 4 Flange Screw 9612647514 9612647514 9612647514 9612647514 9612647583 9612647583 8 Spring 9612647519 9612647519 9612647519 9612647519 9612647519 9612647602 13 Pin 9612647521 9612647521 9612647521 9612647521 9612647521 9612647604 15 Screw, Act. 9612647522 9612647522 9612647522 9612647522 9612647522 9612647605 16 Coupling 9612647523 9612647523 9612647523 9612647523 9612647523 9612647606 17 Screw 9612647524 9612647524 9612647524 9612647524 9612647524 9612647607 18 Bonnet 9612647525 9612647525 9612647525 9612647525 9612647525 9612647608 19 Actuator, Complete, Standard 9612647680 9612647680 9612647680 9612647680 9612647680 9612647681 20 Actuator 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647609 20a Position Indicator, Complete 9612647527 9612647527 9612647527 9612647527 9612647527 9612647527 20b Actuator Complete, ThinkTop Version 9612647682 9612647682 9612647682 9612647682 9612647682 9612647683 21 Actuator 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647526 9612647609 20a ThinkTop Adapter, Complete 9612647528 9612647528 9612647528 9612647528 9612647528 9612647610 21a Screw, Man. 9612647529 9612647529 9612647529 9612647529 9612647529 N/A 22 Top Plate 9612647530 9612647530 9612647530 9612647530 9612647530 N/A 23a Top Plate, for Position Indication 9612647531 9612647531 9612647531 9612647531 9612647531 9612647613 23b Handle 9612647532 9612647532 9612647532 9612647532 9612647532 N/A 24a Handle for Position Indication 9612647533 9612647533 9612647533 9612647533 9612647533 N/A 24b Screw 9612647534 9612647534 9612647534 9612647534 9612647534 N/A 25 Seal for Valve w/ Cavity Cleaning Connections 9612647679 9612647679 9612647679 9612647679 9612647679 9612647679 26
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