This product is no longer offered by this manufacturer.
Tri-Clover EH Series Pumps
The EH Series centrifugal pump from Tri-Clover (now Alfa Laval) was a low shear, high capacity pump designed for pumping fluids like cream and latex paint. The EH range is no longer manufactured by Alfa Laval,and limited spare parts are available. While only a limited number of OEM seal parts are still available, Central States Industrial (CSI) still supports the EH series by supplying the parts that remain available from the manufacturer.
The EH series was known for its "bow-tie" impeller design, that allowed it to move delicate products more gently than other centrifugal pumps of its time.

These pumps are no longer manufactured, and limited spare parts are available. Contact CSI for spare parts, and see below for product documentation.
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